Jan Greenwood

  • Declaring a Ceasefire From Toxic Female Relationships

    Declaring a Ceasefire From Toxic Female Relationships

    Many of us suffer significant emotional pain as a result of how other women have treated us. And if we’re honest, we’ve been rather nasty ourselves on occasion. We’ve reacted out of our own vulnerable places, lashing out at one another. What we end up with is a general lack of trust of other women—even

  • How a ‘Blessing Box’ Shattered an Atmosphere of Death and Depression

    How a ‘Blessing Box’ Shattered an Atmosphere of Death and Depression

    Within two weeks of being diagnosed with breast cancer, I was scheduled for chemotherapy. The night before I went in for my first treatment, some precious women showed up at my house with a gift: a beautiful, ornate box they called a blessing box.  Several people who loved me had prepared a variety of special

  • Women at War: Fearless in the Spirit

    Women at War: Fearless in the Spirit

    I’m not a natural thrill seeker. I avoid roller coasters. I’ll never jump out of an airplane, and I don’t really like heights. But in the Spirit, I am fearless. I have come to enjoy the risks involved in being different. I’m OK with presenting a message that no one else is speaking. I’m willing

  • Women at War: A Life-Threatening Situation

    Women at War: A Life-Threatening Situation

    We need to stop fighting among ourselves. The time has come to call a cease-fire between our sisters and us. Why not dare to go a step further and actually declare peace? I realize it’s a bit naïve to think we could all just hold hands and make up. And I don’t want a false

  • Women at War: A Fresh Start

    Women at War: A Fresh Start

    I love fresh starts, don’t you? There’s something awesome about the opportunity to clear the decks and begin again. I enjoy opening the cover of a brand-new book or the potential of a blank piece of paper. How about a set of just-washed sheets on your bed, or getting a mulligan when you whiff the

  • Women: The Wounds of Spiritual War

    Women: The Wounds of Spiritual War

    Have you ever been forced into a situation that was out of your control? Have you ever done someone a favor and have him or her despise you for it? Have you ever been abused at the hands of a barren and bitter woman? Scripture tells us about lots of women who acted ugly. One

  • Breast Cancer Diagnosis Provided Author With ‘Fresh Start’

    Breast Cancer Diagnosis Provided Author With ‘Fresh Start’

    I love fresh starts, don’t you? There’s something awesome about the opportunity to clear the decks and begin again. I enjoy opening the cover of a brand-new book or the potential of a blank piece of paper. How about a set of just-washed sheets on your bed, or getting a mulligan when you whiff the

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