Jack Graham

  • This Memorial Day, Do Something for Someone Who Can’t Pay You Back

    This Memorial Day, Do Something for Someone Who Can’t Pay You Back

    John Bunyan, the author of the classic book Pilgrim’s Progress, said, “You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” That is such a powerful truth, and few people in America understand its meaning as well as those who serve in the U.S. military. For many in

  • Healing Our Nation With the Hope of Resurrection Sunday

    Healing Our Nation With the Hope of Resurrection Sunday

    As we celebrate Easter this Sunday, about 40% of Americans will likely attend a service. Unfortunately, research indicates that only a fraction actually understand this momentous day’s true meaning. Here’s the real story — the most remarkable comeback story in the history of the world! In his gospel account, the apostle John tells us that

  • Why Powerful Angels Leave This One Thing to You

    Why Powerful Angels Leave This One Thing to You

    There’s one scene in the book of Acts that has always fascinated me, because it showcases both the power and the limitations of angels. One night, as the apostles sat on a cold prison floor, an angel swung open the door to the jail and “brought them out” (Acts 5:19, ESV). The angel told them,

  • Megachurch Pastor: The No. 1 Reason We Don’t Have Revival

    Megachurch Pastor: The No. 1 Reason We Don’t Have Revival

    This month has seen some huge judicial victories for God’s people here in America, as the Supreme Court ruled in favor of both a Christian business owner and of pro-life crisis pregnancy centers in California. I applaud these judicial decisions and commend those who celebrate this victory and ready themselves to press on and fight

  • Dad, It’s Up to You to Leave a Godly Legacy for Your Kids

    Dad, It’s Up to You to Leave a Godly Legacy for Your Kids

    Our kids have many heroes these days. They look up to celebrities, entertainers, athletes, and members of the military. But do you know who today’s real heroes are? I’ll tell you. The real heroes of our day are faithful men who are determined to leave a legacy of faith for their families. Now I thank

  • This Is Where a Spirit-Filled Woman Finds Her True Worth

    This Is Where a Spirit-Filled Woman Finds Her True Worth

    Everywhere you turn, the world has a message for the women of today. Social media, fashion magazines, TV shows, billboards and movies use different words and images to convey the same message: If you are truly a modern woman, if you are truly a successful woman, you must strive for physical perfection, professional success and

  • Jack Graham: 12 Tips to Guard Against Sexual Sin

    Jack Graham: 12 Tips to Guard Against Sexual Sin

    The continuously unraveling scandal that has toppled the director of the CIA David Petraeus and has entangled the top NATO commander in Afghanistan as well as an FBI agent soundsmore and more unfathomable by the minute. But, really, it’s a prime example of the severeconsequences of immorality. It only takes a small pin to burst

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