Gary Curtis

  • Avoiding Foul and Abusive Language

    Avoiding Foul and Abusive Language

    It seems we are living in a world where rude, crude and even lewd language is used as common vernacular—by men and women. Even presidential and vice presidential candidates swear in public.  If you’ve been around public playgrounds, you may have heard children shouting profanities, swear words or curses at each other. Where did they learn such offensive

  • Liar, Liar, Hell’s on Fire!

    Liar, Liar, Hell’s on Fire!

    Lies and liars seem to be everywhere. Presidents and politicians lie about their backgrounds, policies and qualifications. Former government officials have lied about “classified” documents. Job applicants have lied about college degrees or prior positions held.  Modern liars lie—without shame! School principals and school boards lie. Students and teachers lie. Musicians lie about melodies or

  • Avoiding Sexual Sins and Scandals

    Avoiding Sexual Sins and Scandals

    Be sure to read Gary Curtis’ companion article, “Are Sexual Sins Worse Than Others?” at this link. In his first epistle to the Corinthian Christians, Paul enumerated sinful categories that would preclude wrongdoers from participating in the future kingdom of God. “Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of

  • Are Sexual Sins Worse Than Others?

    Are Sexual Sins Worse Than Others?

    Check out Gary Curtis’ related article, “Avoiding Sexual Sins and Scandals,” at this link. Some contend that God sees all sins as the same and that one sin is not more difficult for God to forgive than another. While they may think that sounds reasonable and righteous, it ignores the admonitions of revealed Scripture and

  • What Do We Celebrate at Communion?

    What Do We Celebrate at Communion?

    Our church fellowship commemorates the “Lord’s Supper” on the first Sunday of each month in a biblical act of remembrance and worship. This repeated reminder of the final meal of our Lord with His disciples is not just a communal observance but a deeply personal one. It may also be observed in our other church gatherings or

  • God’s Prophetic Timetable for Christ’s Return

    God’s Prophetic Timetable for Christ’s Return

    This is part two of a two-part article. Find part one at this link. In his first letter to the believers in Thessalonica, Paul promised them future deliverance from the wrath of God (1 Thess. 1:10, 5:9). When someone deceived them into thinking the present afflictions, harassments and persecutions they were experiencing were part of

  • How Soon Is Jesus Coming Again?

    How Soon Is Jesus Coming Again?

    This is part one of a two-part article. Watch for part two, coming soon to John the Revelator recorded Jesus’ repeated promise to come again. Not only did Jesus declare three times in the last chapter of John’s book of Revelation that He was coming again, but He also clarified that this future return would

  • What Can We Learn From Memorial Day?

    What Can We Learn From Memorial Day?

    When we lived in the U.S. Midwest, Memorial Day weekend always seemed like the beginning of summer. For our family, it always included planting (or replanting) annual flowers. Flower bulbs and seeds are somewhat homely by themselves, but they hold hidden life and beauty within their uninteresting exterior.  They actually have two realities: One flourishes

  • Promised Pentecostal Power: Baptism in the Holy Spirit

    Promised Pentecostal Power: Baptism in the Holy Spirit

    Reflecting on Jesus’ earthly ministry, we see it was limited to only a few years. However, after the Resurrection and Pentecost, it was and continues to be multiplied through Spirit-empowered believers. Their ministries today, guided and equipped by the Holy Spirit, continue to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and the future kingdom of God. These

  • Jesus Is Getting Our Rooms Ready

    Jesus Is Getting Our Rooms Ready

    n the Gospel of John, Jesus tells his followers about our future in heaven: “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in Me. There is more than enough room in My Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place

  • Prophetic Warning: A Future Northern Coalition Will Attack Israel

    Prophetic Warning: A Future Northern Coalition Will Attack Israel

    This is part two of a two-part article; find part one at this link. A previous post detailed how Israel had been attacked the prior weekend with a blitz of over 300 potentially deadly drones and missiles fired from within the Islamic Republic of Iran. God used friendly Arab neighbors and Western allies to intercept nearly all of

  • End-Times Alert: Israel’s Darkest Hours?

    End-Times Alert: Israel’s Darkest Hours?

    This is part one of a two-part article. Watch for part two, coming soon to Many believe Israel is now in its darkest hour since its War of Independence against five invading Arab armies concluded in March 1949. It seems the world is increasingly turning against it. Just over six months ago, before the Oct.

  • A Prophetic Palestinian Perspective: ‘From the River to the Sea’

    A Prophetic Palestinian Perspective: ‘From the River to the Sea’

    You have, no doubt, seen the banners and heard the chants from pro-Palestinians: “From the river to the sea … Palestine will be free.” They are not calling for a “two-state solution” to the Arab and Jewish dispute over the ancient land of Palestine. Instead, they are calling for a Palestinian state—free of all Jews—from

  • Doubts and Proofs of Jesus’ Resurrection

    Doubts and Proofs of Jesus’ Resurrection

    If you read this on Resurrection Sunday, perhaps you have already exchanged the traditional hope-filled affirmation with other believers: “He is risen!” And they have responded, “He is risen, indeed!” The apostle Paul plainly declared the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead an essential element of our faith: “If Christ has not been raised,

  • The Cross Over Hollywood

    The Cross Over Hollywood

    If you have ever flown into the International Airport at Los Angeles, you may have seen the large white cross on the hillside near the world-famous “Hollywood” sign. Many thousands of motorists on the Hollywood Freeway see it each day. At night, this 34-foot-high, steel-framed cross on a concrete base is internally lit, glowing white

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