Dr. Donald Colbert, M.D.

  • Dr. Don Colbert: The Hidden Dangers of Inflammation

    Dr. Don Colbert: The Hidden Dangers of Inflammation

    Inflammation is your body’s immune response to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens (viruses, bacteria), toxic compounds and more. It has long been known to be the root cause of virtually every chronic disease that comes through a doctor’s office door, including arthritis, heart disease, most cancers, most all autoimmune diseases, Parkinson’s disease and especially Alzheimer’s

  • Dr. Don Colbert: How This Every Day Ingredient is Killing Your Brain

    Dr. Don Colbert: How This Every Day Ingredient is Killing Your Brain

    Read Time: 4 Minutes 43 Seconds Of the many artificial sweeteners out there, such as aspartame, sucralose (Splenda), saccharin (Sugar Twin and Sweet’N Low) and neotame (NutraSweet), aspartame is one of the most common. How common? Aspartame is an ingredient in more than 6,000 different processed foods! You name it, and it probably has aspartame

  • Healthy Resolutions

    Healthy Resolutions

    You don’t have to go through another year overweight and out of shape. Take these 10 steps to good health. Would you choose to fly on an airline that had a track record of arriving safely at a destination only 5 percent of the time? Of course not! You wouldn’t dare set foot on one

  • Lighten Up!

  • Curb Your Stress

    NOT EVERY PERCEIVED THREAT IS REAL. FIND OUT HOW TO GAIN CONTROL OVER THE THINGS THAT NEEDLESSLY STRESS YOU OUT.We have a stress epidemic in our nation. The majority of Americans very likely have excessive stress in their lives, and reports of stress seem to indicate that the percentage of Americans each year who feel…

  • Shed Those Pounds

    Being obese increases the risk of developing heart disease or cancer.

  • Metal in Your Mouth

    The commonly used silver and amalgam dental fillings contain mercury--lots of it.

  • Eat Like the Greeks

    The most healthful diet in the world is the opposite of what most Americans eat

  • Relief for Tendinitis

    Proteolytic enzymes are excellent for reducing inflammation that is accompanied by pain.

  • Feeling Grumpy, Guys?

    Hormonal imbalances that occur in middle age can cause "the grumpy old man" syndrome.

  • Autoimmune Diseases

    Autoimmune disorders cause the body's immune system to backfire.

  • The Fat American

    Almost 2 in 3 American adults are overweight, and 1 in 3 is obese.

  • A Healthy Thyroid

    An underactive thyroid can cause symptoms like those of depression or menopause.

  • Colon Cancer Screening

    Simple testing can lead to early detection in most cases of colorectal cancer.

  • God’s Unlikely Healers

    I find it remarkable that God has chosen to hide lifesaving chemicals in His creation.

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