Charisma Magazine Staff

  • Miley Cyrus Snubs Christ With Perverted Performance

    Miley Cyrus Snubs Christ With Perverted Performance

    Miley Cyrus didn’t disappoint the many millions who tuned into the MTV Video Music Awards (VMAs) to see the latest trends in perversion. Cyrus took the stage Sunday night with clear intentions to destroy any lingering memories of her Hannah Montana youth. “Shock after shock” is how People magazine described her tongue-wagging performance that included 30 drag queens dancing in sequence

  • Are Women to Blame for Men’s Porn Problems?

    Are Women to Blame for Men’s Porn Problems?

    The question in the headline is worth asking. Some men may blame women because of the way they dress and the lust it inspires in their hearts. Some women may not understand how men are hardwired. Shaunti Feldhahn and Craig Gross, the founder of, have researched these issues in years and have some candid answers

  • Is Jesus’ Matthew Prophecy Being Fulfilled Even Now?

    Is Jesus’ Matthew Prophecy Being Fulfilled Even Now?

    Famines, epidemics and earthquakes are how Jesus foretold the beginning of sorrows in Matthew 24.  In the United States, there were more than 260 earthquakes in the last seven days. Those startling statistics include a 4.5-magnitude earthquake in Oklahoma and a 6.9-magnitude shaking in Alaska.   “There is a backstop—the craton, that ancient unbudgeable mass at the center of the continent—and, sooner or later,

  • Genetics Expert Confirms the Reality of Adam and Eve

    Genetics Expert Confirms the Reality of Adam and Eve

    Modern-day DNA research is confirming the biblical account of Adam and Eve, according to one genetics expert.  Answers in Genesis’ Georgia Purdom has recently released a documentary explaining her findings and the scientific support for the records presented in Genesis.  “One of the most compelling genetic evidences for an original human couple created by God is mitochondrial

  • Satanist Bows to Jesus, Gets Filled With the Holy Spirit and Preaches the Gospel

    Satanist Bows to Jesus, Gets Filled With the Holy Spirit and Preaches the Gospel

    “He can make your back feel better,” his mother said. And she was right. The “doctor” healed 9-year-old Pedro Ochoa’s back—the excruciating pain was gone! But this was no ordinary Honduran doctor. The man was a self-described “new age white magic” doctor—a Satan worshipper. Little did the young boy know that from that moment on,

  • Why Is Pop Star Miley Cyrus Rejecting Her Christian Roots?

    Why Is Pop Star Miley Cyrus Rejecting Her Christian Roots?

    Dear Miley Cyrus, You’re blunt, you speak your mind and you yell about what you supposedly believe, that is, if you haven’t also outgrown believing in anything the way that you have “outgrown” the Bible. I’m a 21-year-old woman, and I grew up with Hannah Montana. There was an entire generation of girls who wore

  • 10 Kinds of People Nobody Can Help

    10 Kinds of People Nobody Can Help

    I’ve been involved in pastoral ministry for 30 years, and I have a desire to help everyone. But I have learned the hard way that I cannot help every person who attends our church or who comes to me for input. The following are 10 kinds of people I have identified who are so entrenched

  • Lifetime Cancels ‘Major Prophetess’ Christian Reality TV Show That Mocked God

    Lifetime Cancels ‘Major Prophetess’ Christian Reality TV Show That Mocked God

    When Lifetime rolled out Preach, a new docuseries, in June, I was more than a little skeptical. Core Media Group produced the series, which followed four women who call themselves prophetesses. These ladies wholeheartedly believe God has given them the supernatural abilities to heal the sick, see the future and rid people of their addictions, otherwise

  • Judgment or Awakening? My Response to America’s Great Fall

    Judgment or Awakening? My Response to America’s Great Fall

    When I learned the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay marriage I went into what you might call spiritual shock. I almost felt like someone had died. Someone didn’t, but something did. True liberty and justice for all. I am grieving right now over the false freedom that was birthed out of a

  • Oral Roberts Grad Ignites Prophetic Legacy That Can Be Seen on the Wrists of Hollywood Elite

    Oral Roberts Grad Ignites Prophetic Legacy That Can Be Seen on the Wrists of Hollywood Elite

    When you walk in the Spirit, His plans for your life can differ greatly from your own. Just ask former practicing attorney and adjunct professor Jill Donovan, who is now the face of one of Hollywood’s fastest-growing trends: Rustic Cuff. “I had no desire or passion to this, but God’s ways prevailed, I told Him, ‘I’m yours,'”

  • Apostles and Prophets Agree: God Wants to Do This in America

    Apostles and Prophets Agree: God Wants to Do This in America

    I never would have guessed that so many different leaders from so many different camps in the body of Christ would agree on this. I mean, we argue and fight over so many things. We get in silly disputes over praying in tongues, whether God is still healing today, if women can speak in church—along

  • Prophecy: Third Great Awakening Is Coming to America

    Prophecy: Third Great Awakening Is Coming to America

    Christians across America say God is telling them He wants to birth a Third Great Awakening in the land. And He’s using intense personal encounters with some Christian leaders to tell them He wants them personally involved. “I’m going to send a Third Great Awakening to America,” Dutch Sheets, author of An Appeal to Heaven, said

  • 7 Biblical Arguments Against ‘Grave Soaking’

    7 Biblical Arguments Against ‘Grave Soaking’

    Have you heard of mantle grabbing? Also called grave sucking and grave soaking, I’m concerned about how it’s sweeping through charismatic circles. The following are seven concerns I have about grave sucking: 1. It distracts from the true power source of our anointing. The Word of God is clear that the true source of our

  • Creflo Dollar Will Get a $70 Million Private Jet After All

    Creflo Dollar Will Get a $70 Million Private Jet After All

    Creflo Dollar came under fire when he launched a fundraiser for a brand-spanking-new $65 million private jet. Although he canceled the campaign and went on to defend his faith amid criticism from the likes of Kirk Franklin, J. Lee Grady, Michael Brown, and David Ravenhill, among others, it looks like his faith never let go of that airplane. Dollar is getting the desire

  • 7 Reasons I’m Not a Christian Dominionist

    7 Reasons I’m Not a Christian Dominionist

    There have been some in the Christian camp who have labeled themselves Christian dominionists, possibly because they refer to the original covenant found in Genesis 1:26-28 as “the Dominion Mandate” and because they advocate a top-down approach regarding the imposition of biblical ethics on secular society. Regarding my teachings on the kingdom, some with an

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