Charisma Magazine Staff

  • Prophecy: Justice Is Being Served Upon the Merciful

    Prophecy: Justice Is Being Served Upon the Merciful

    Many in the body of Christ have walked through a difficult season of justice, slander, persecution, cursing and other demon-inspired attacks through people. The strategy is clear: The enemy is trying to put out the fire of the burning ones through a constant assault on character, finances and relationships. If that’s you, it’s time to

  • Should You Let Your Child Celebrate Halloween?

    Should You Let Your Child Celebrate Halloween?

    Ah, Halloween—the holiday sure to ignite a debate no matter where you fall in the body of Christ. Some believers think it’s totally fine to trick or treat and let their kids have a go at the candy. Others abstain completely, acknowledging the pagan roots of the celebration. So what’s the right answer? Watch the

  • Ex-New Age Expert Drops Major Truth Bomb About Oct. 31

    Ex-New Age Expert Drops Major Truth Bomb About Oct. 31

    With October 31 rapidly approaching, many churches are preparing for fall festivals and trunk or treats, tried-and-true Christianized methods for celebrating Halloween. But this puts a burr in the saddle of New Age expert-turned-believer Steven Bancarz. The end of the month is about much more than a holiday with pagan roots, especially for those who

  • President Trump’s Evangelical Supporters Ready and Waiting ‘For Such a Time as This’

    President Trump’s Evangelical Supporters Ready and Waiting ‘For Such a Time as This’

    Donald Trump’s presidency has been filled with headlines, both positive and negative. And Americans are divided on their opinions of him as well—some remaining staunchly supportive while others are still opposed. Those evangelical Trump supporters have been buoyed by his actions that have made good on his campaign promises—to protect religious liberty, defend the unborn,

  • The Idol Most Women Have But Refuse to Admit

    The Idol Most Women Have But Refuse to Admit

    Nearly every woman has had that moment—the one where she’s hunched over in the dressing room and catches sight of her body. She can immediately pinpoint exactly what’s wrong with it or what she would change. Rarely does she use that moment to reflect on how God created her fearfully and wonderfully. Nineteen-year-old beauty video

  • How Soon Before David Wilkerson’s Earthquake Vision Comes to Pass—Or Has It Already?

    How Soon Before David Wilkerson’s Earthquake Vision Comes to Pass—Or Has It Already?

    As natural disasters pummel all corners of the earth, David Wilkerson’s words in The Vision and Beyond sound frighteningly accurate. In a recent episode of The Jim Bakker Show, Bakker himself reads from the book and discusses how these prophecies may be coming to fruition. Take a look.

  • Beth Moore Lends Her Voice to Disturbing Reality of Sexual Harassment and Assault

    Beth Moore Lends Her Voice to Disturbing Reality of Sexual Harassment and Assault

    “Me, too.”  These two words may flood social media newsfeeds today as women and men speak up about a time they were sexually harassed or assaulted. The movement birthed out of the Harvey Weinstein scandal and prove horrifying statistics aren’t just numbers, but neighbors, friends and family. The movement started with Hollywood actress Alyssa Milano,

  • With New Optimism, Christians Are Waking Up

    With New Optimism, Christians Are Waking Up

    Over the past several months, Christian voters have had much to celebrate. From strides in religious liberties protections to bills defending the unborn, some of President Donald Trump’s promised agenda is being realized. And the optimism of those who put him in office is palpable. Award-winning journalist and author Stephen E. Strang says that feeling

  • Francis Chan: Why I Left the Megachurch I Created

    Francis Chan: Why I Left the Megachurch I Created

    Francis Chan started his California megachurch in his living room. He says it was all he knew to do. Until the Holy Spirit convicted him. Here’s why.

  • Jonathan Cahn’s ‘The Paradigm’ Continues to Top Best-Seller Lists Across the Country

    Jonathan Cahn’s ‘The Paradigm’ Continues to Top Best-Seller Lists Across the Country

    New York Times best-selling author Jonathan Cahn continues to dominate the charts with his new book, The Paradigm: The Ancient Blueprint That Holds the Mystery of Our Times (, which has mesmerized readers with its shocking and amazing details that uncover the hidden story and mysteries behind the news of our times. This week, for example, The Paradigm reached

  • Prominent Evangelist: Sodom and Gomorrah Weren’t Destroyed Just Because of Their Sin

    Prominent Evangelist: Sodom and Gomorrah Weren’t Destroyed Just Because of Their Sin

    Evangelist Nick Hall says Sodom and Gomorrah weren’t destroyed just because of their sin, but because the righteous could not be found. And while many believers in America today compare modern society to that of the wicked biblical cities, the Pulse Movement founder says there is a remnant, and the country can be saved. Watch

  • Lisa Bevere Unmasks the Feminist Lie Deceiving the Country

    Lisa Bevere Unmasks the Feminist Lie Deceiving the Country

    Author and speaker Lisa Bevere exposed the lie of the feminism that’s deceiving the country during Rise Up. “There are battles for the men to fight, and there are battles for the women to fight, but for way too long, the women have been fighting the men’s battles, and the men have been fighting the

  • Karen Wheaton: This Is the Call for Our Generation

    Karen Wheaton: This Is the Call for Our Generation

    Karen Wheaton was one of more than a dozen Spirit-empowered speakers who spoke life and recognized the call God has on this generation at Rise Up. “Deborah and Esther were two women who fulfilled the purpose of God for their generations and answered their call for their time,” Wheaton tells Charisma News. “And so they

  • Cindy Jacobs Rebukes the Spirit of Nasty Women Rising Up

    Cindy Jacobs Rebukes the Spirit of Nasty Women Rising Up

    Though “Nasty Woman” has become a political force, it’s not who God created us to be, Cindy Jacobs says. At the Rise Up 2017 event in Washington D.C., the prophetic voice called out how daughters of the King should act. Watch the video to see more.

  • Cindy Jacobs: I Believe the Collective Cry of 1 Million Mothers Around the World Will Birth a Movement

    Cindy Jacobs: I Believe the Collective Cry of 1 Million Mothers Around the World Will Birth a Movement

    Cindy Jacobs, Alveda King Lisa Smiley, Karen Wheaton and more are all part of the latest iteration of The Call, which will ignite Washington, D.C., and beyond on Oct. 9. Multiple prophetic words have cited women rising up and becoming mighty warriors in the kingdom. The time is now. Watch the video and catch the

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