Charisma Magazine Staff

  • ‘End Time Headlines’ Founder Issues Urgent Prophetic Alert

    ‘End Time Headlines’ Founder Issues Urgent Prophetic Alert

    In light of major world events in the last week, Ricky Scaparo issued an urgent prophetic update. “We don’t do these very often, but when there [are] this many events happening at one time that’s newsworthy, we want to get you up to date,” Scaparo says. Scaparo, the founder of End Time Headlines, broadcast his announcement after

  • Las Vegas, New York, Texas: Revelation 12 Come to Life?

    Las Vegas, New York, Texas: Revelation 12 Come to Life?

    Eschatology expert John Shorey says recent terrorism and mass shootings are evidence the end times are before us. “I see it as more evidence that we’re entering into, No. 1, the days of sorrows, that we’re entering into the time of perilous times,” Shorey says on The Jim Bakker Show. “I see that we’re entering into

  • Early Reviews and Rankings Putting ‘God and Donald Trump’ by Stephen E. Strang on Fast Track to Best-Seller

    Early Reviews and Rankings Putting ‘God and Donald Trump’ by Stephen E. Strang on Fast Track to Best-Seller

    God and Donald Trump, the new book by award-winning journalist and author Stephen E. Strang, is on its way to best-seller status—already at No. 1 on Amazon and in several categories with early reviews that sing the praises of Strang’s inside look at Donald Trump: the businessman, the candidate and the president. Gary McCullough, director

  • With Memories of Last November, ‘The Paradigm’ Author Jonathan Cahn Says Many Still Don’t Understand the 2016 Election

    With Memories of Last November, ‘The Paradigm’ Author Jonathan Cahn Says Many Still Don’t Understand the 2016 Election

    State and local elections recently made news with some surprises, but the 2016 presidential election is still making headlines—one year later. And New York Times best-selling author Jonathan Cahn says there is an important lesson to be learned from last November, incorporating biblical history as a prophetic reference. In his new book, The Paradigm: The Ancient

  • Ex-Witch Unveils the Antichrist’s Hidden Agenda in the Church

    Ex-Witch Unveils the Antichrist’s Hidden Agenda in the Church

    We know the enemy comes like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, disguising himself so he can cause the maximum destruction. What would be a better target than a church? Ex-witch Beth Eckert says the Antichrist agenda has permeated the body of Christ. Watch the video to her explain what it is and how to fight

  • Ex-Witch: Satanists, Occultists Have Infiltrated the Christian Church

    Ex-Witch: Satanists, Occultists Have Infiltrated the Christian Church

    Ex-witch Beth Eckert says satanists and occultists have overrun the Christian church, corrupting it on nearly every level. Believers in this day and age have turned a blind eye to sin, she says, and gone against Paul’s appeal in Romans 16. “Upon closer examination of these churches, I think anyone can find one fault or

  • Ex-Witch Exposes Satanic Illuminati Mind Control

    Ex-Witch Exposes Satanic Illuminati Mind Control

    Ex-witch Beth Eckert says she is a survivor of ritual satanic abuse who survived mind control programming at the hands of occultists. “They literally take the susceptible mind that has been damaged by trauma and even brain injury and feed into it the thoughts and belief systems, drives and even desires they chose for an

  • Reinhard Bonnke’s Farewell Crusade Could Be One of the Biggest Meetings in the History of Christendom

    Reinhard Bonnke’s Farewell Crusade Could Be One of the Biggest Meetings in the History of Christendom

    The much-anticipated Reinhard Bonnke Farewell Gospel Crusade started yesterday in the city of Lagos, Nigeria. This historic crusade could easily be one of the biggest Christian meetings in the history of Christendom and also one of the greatest, if not the greatest, evangelistic harvest of all times. Thousands of local churches and hundreds of thousands

  • Carrie Underwood Stuns CMA Crowd With Powerful Heavenly Message

    Carrie Underwood Stuns CMA Crowd With Powerful Heavenly Message

    Country music superstar Carrie Underwood performed a powerful rendition of “Softly and Tenderly” for the “in memoriam” portion of the Country Music Awards Wednesday night. She sang the ballad while photos of those killed in the Las Vegas shooting appeared on a screen behind her. The lyrics go:  Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling/ Calling

  • What Happened When a Joel Osteen Imposter Crashed an Actual Osteen Event

    What Happened When a Joel Osteen Imposter Crashed an Actual Osteen Event

    A comedian who looks strikingly similar to megachurch pastor Joel Osteen wanted to see what happened if he crashed one of Osteen’s events. Michael Klimkowski of the secular comedy group Dabs Den dressed to the nines and told people he was Osteen himself. Klimkowski got free parking, a special entrance, selfies and even made it

  • Sid Roth Guest: Jesus Wants You to Hear What He Told Me in Heaven

    Sid Roth Guest: Jesus Wants You to Hear What He Told Me in Heaven

    Kynan Bridges says he was on an airplane minding his own business when God swept him away into heaven. “The Messiah of Israel said to him, ‘Tell my people there is more, so much more,'” Sid Roth says. “‘And this more is all obtained by being in the presence of God 24/7.'” Now he’s sharing his

  • The Very First Prophecy the Lord Ever Gave

    The Very First Prophecy the Lord Ever Gave

    The Old Testament is full of prophecies that detail everything from warnings to the coming Messiah to the end of the world. But do you know the very first one? Carl Gallups explains it all in this video. Check it out.

  • National Day of Prayer to Focus on Ephesians 4:3

    National Day of Prayer to Focus on Ephesians 4:3

    The National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 3, 2018, will focus on prayer for unity in America, announced Dr. Ronnie Floyd, the organization’s president. In a leadership summit with regional coordinators and leaders of the prayer movement, Dr. Floyd announced the theme for next year’s National Day of Prayer: “Pray for America – Unity.” The

  • One Year After the Election, Some Still Astounded by Outcome, But It All Ties Back to Ancient Paradigm

    One Year After the Election, Some Still Astounded by Outcome, But It All Ties Back to Ancient Paradigm

    This week marks one year since President Donald Trump was elected in a shocking, historical contest that is still making headlines today. And although the election astounded many, New York Times best-selling author Jonathan Cahn says the outcome could be found in an ancient Middle-Eastern paradigm from nearly 3,000 years ago. In his new book,

  • Sutherland Springs Pastor Finally Speaks Out

    Sutherland Springs Pastor Finally Speaks Out

    Frank Pomeroy and his wife, Sherri, were out of town on Sunday when a gunman took their little church by storm, opened fire and killed 26 people, including their 14-year-old daughter. “We had a long night with our children and grandbabies we have left,” Frank said, tears choking his voice. Watch the video to see

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