Andrew Towe

  • Prophetic Word: ‘Get on Your Shoes for a Season of Acceleration’

    Prophetic Word: ‘Get on Your Shoes for a Season of Acceleration’

    I was in prayer over a specific situation that had troubled me. As I continued praying, unwelcomed thoughts darted through my mind, and I thought to myself, “Oh, no. Here we go again. I’ve been down this road before. I know exactly how this ends.” Immediately, I recognized that my thoughts had turned in a

  • Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘It Is Time for My Church to Come Out of Hiding’

    Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘It Is Time for My Church to Come Out of Hiding’

    I heard the Lord say, “It is time for My church to come out of hiding and fulfill My purpose. I am raising up those who will be deliverers to this generation. The earth is groaning and travailing. The time is now! You have been hidden away, but now you have outgrown the place of

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says ‘Do Not Fear. I am Raising Up Many Josephs to Save My People’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says ‘Do Not Fear. I am Raising Up Many Josephs to Save My People’

    The Lord brought back to my mind a dream that I had in 2004. I dreamed I was standing in an abundant wheat field when God spoke to me and said, “Famine is coming to the land.” Moreover, He continued to speak to me, saying, “Do not worry or fear. I am raising up many

  • Let the Josephs Arise!!!

    Let the Josephs Arise!!!

    The Lord brought back to my mind a dream that I had in 2004. I dreamt I was standing in an abundant wheat field when God spoke to me and said, “Famine is coming to the land.” Moreover, He continued to speak to me, saying, “Do not worry or fear. I am raising up many

  • There is Rest in Your Fight

    There is Rest in Your Fight

    I heard the Lord say, “There is rest in your fight. This is not the time to lay down nor is it the time to be complacent. It is the time to fight. You will overcome and possess the spoils of the enemy.” When the Lord spoke this to me, I began to ponder exactly

  • Prophetic Word: Fresh Oil for a New Move

    Prophetic Word: Fresh Oil for a New Move

    I heard the Lord say, “I am doing a new thing, and it carries fresh oil. This movement will be all of Me and not of man. It won’t be birthed of the flesh. It will be birthed by My Spirit. It cannot be stopped and will not be blocked.” “And the Lord said unto

  • Prophetic Word: The Cycle Is Over

    Prophetic Word: The Cycle Is Over

    My wife and I had gone to bed rather late one Saturday night. She fell fast asleep, but I tossed and turned, trying to fall asleep. I always get up in the very early hours on Sundays to pray and prepare for the church service. Looking at the clock and knowing that I only had

  • Prophetic Vision: Get Ready for a Sudden Outpouring

    Prophetic Vision: Get Ready for a Sudden Outpouring

    I had a vision from the Lord in which He showed me an old fashioned bathtub faucet. It was barely dripping water. Then all of a sudden, the water began to flow full blast from this old faucet. He spoke to me and said, “This is a picture of what I am doing on the

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Raising Up a New Generation Who Will Carry My Presence’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Raising Up a New Generation Who Will Carry My Presence’

    I had an encounter with the Lord while in prayer one night. He said to me, “There is a revival of purity being birthed. The old wineskins cannot contain the new wine of revival that I am releasing. I am raising up a new generation that will carry My presence, and they will see the

  • Prophetic Vision: Breaking the Spirit of Delilah Over the Church

    Prophetic Vision: Breaking the Spirit of Delilah Over the Church

    I was praying when I was taken into vision. I saw a battlefield and warriors loaded with weaponry, prepared for battle. As I looked, out of nowhere came their enemy flying overhead, dropping upon them what appeared to be heavy, thick drapes. To me, it seemed as if their foe was attempting to blanket them

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says His Remnant Will See A Sudden Resurgence

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says His Remnant Will See A Sudden Resurgence

    I heard the voice of the Lord speak to me recently and say, “Get ready! The remnant church will see a sudden resurgence!” Resurgence is not a word that I use in my everyday vocabulary. In fact, I am not sure that I have ever used the word. I knew the general meaning of it,

  • Prophetic Word: ‘God Is Overturning Every Plot Against You’

    Prophetic Word: ‘God Is Overturning Every Plot Against You’

    I hurriedly left from preaching at my home church in Chattanooga, Tennessee, to fulfill another ministry engagement in another city. My family was unable to travel with me, giving me an opportunity to spend extra alone time with the Lord. I began to pray, and I felt His weighty glory fill my car. I began

  • Prophetic Word: Purity Is Coming Back to the Church

    Prophetic Word: Purity Is Coming Back to the Church

    The Lord spoke to me and said, “A spirit of boldness is coming upon My church. No longer will My people be locked behind closed doors or hidden behind locked doors. No! It is time for the demonstration of My supernatural power on the earth! This is the marked time for My people to walk

  • Prophetic Word: Holy Spirit Says, ‘Get Ready for a Sudden Surge’

    Prophetic Word: Holy Spirit Says, ‘Get Ready for a Sudden Surge’

    While in prayer, I heard the Holy Spirit speak one word to me: “Surge.” I quickly went to research the definition of this word to receive further clarity as to what He wanted to convey to me. The word “surge” is defined, according to, as “a strong, wavelike, forward movement, rush or sweep”. God

  • Prophetic Vision: ‘My Glory Is About to Burst Forth’

    Prophetic Vision: ‘My Glory Is About to Burst Forth’

    I was caught up in a vision in which the Lord showed me a sizable desert and extremely dry section of land. My senses were super heightened in the vision and, immediately, I detected there was no moisture at all in the atmosphere, which caused me to feel the unbearable heat. There are no words

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