Fri. Oct 11th, 2024

While there were many prophecies spoken about Trump, especially prior to the 2020 election, many of which were proven to be false, how does this trial in particular relate to the supernatural? Have the prophets spoken, and if they have, what is it that they have said?

“He said, ‘as a nation, you don’t need to worry about this,’” Black prophesied. “Even if Trump gets convicted you don’t need to worry.”

Black further provided this encouragement after the verdict was released. He says for us as Christians the most important thing is to keep our eyes on Jesus at all times.

Black connects this back to Romans 8:28 and how God is working all things together for His good. It is this kind of prophetic word that someone like Amanda Grace provided in the aftermath of Trump’s guilty verdict.

She points to the fact that God sees things in full while we see them in part. She says that if this is what we see unfolding in the physical, then there must be cataclysmic events taking place in the spiritual realm. She believes this is evidenced in the fact that we are in the 50-day window between Passover and Shavout, the time when God gave the Jewish people the Law on Mount Sinai. Grace also says this a time of humbling for the former president.

“This is a humbling,” Grace says. She references prior dreams and warnings that God would allow the downfall of Trump for his own good, as time of humility. However, she took points out that God uses all things for His good.

“He will work it together in this man’s life,” Grace says.

These words show there is something larger at play happening in the spiritual realm. Perhaps things do not look as we thought, but God has purposes and plans that are much greater than our own. This is a much different take than someone like Julie Green had where she falsely prophesied that Trump would not be found guilty in this trial.

“Innocent. This ruling will be heard,” Green said. “The case has fallen apart. Their last-ditch effort did not work for President Trump. They cannot put him in jail now as the last indictment falls apart. Watch how things dramatically take place to stop your election…”

What we can gauge from this current verdict is that God is up to something that we may not understand or see, but that He is working now just as He does in all circumstances.

Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.

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