Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

Morning Rundown: Rabbi Schneider’s Antisemitism Prophecy Has Come to Pass

(Facebook/Discovering the Jewish Jesus)

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Rabbi Schneider’s Antisemitism Prophecy Has Come to Pass

In a July 7th live video on YouTube, Rabbi Kirt Schneider described a revelation he received from the Lord about the coming antisemitism that would forever rock Israel.

“The Lord spoke to me in early July as I was up one morning doing my devotional reading from the book of Esther,” Schneider said. “And when I read that it was like a bomb of revelation and prophecy filled me and dropped right into my heart, and instantly with no thought involved I knew that Jewish people were about to face the greatest attack that they had ever faced since the Holocaust.”

Schneider said that he knew this wouldn’t be like any other attack the Jewish people had known in recent years. Instead, it would bring about an international antisemitism.

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Dr. Ron Kenoly Rebukes Congregation During Worship

In Psalm 96:8-9 it says: “Give unto the Lord the glory due His name; bring an offering, and come into His courts. Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness; tremble before Him, all the earth.”

Well, how do we enter into His courts? Psalm 100:4 answers that question: “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise; be thankful to Him, and bless His name.”

When a worship leader sees a congregation that is not focused on the Lord and respecting the holiness that comes with worshiping Him, it is their responsibility to correct the people lovingly.

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Icelandic Evacuation: Are Earthquakes Fulfilling Biblical Prophecy?

In a quiet Icelandic town, Grindavik, a state of emergency has been declared, and residents have evacuated their homes due to the threat of a volcano eruption. The ground beneath them is trembling with a surge in seismic activity, prompting authorities to take swift action. As thousands of earthquakes and tremors shake the southwestern peninsula since November 10, the possibility of a volcanic eruption looms large.

The Icelandic Meteorological Office warns that the likelihood of an eruption in the Reykjanes Peninsula “remains high.” The earth is in motion, with over 700 earthquakes reported in just 12 hours, signaling the movement of magma beneath the surface. Although most are considered micro-earthquakes, their collective impact is felt, leaving the small fishing town on edge.

The situation has escalated to the point where defense walls are being constructed around a geothermal power plant, a vital source of electricity for the entire country. It’s a race against time to safeguard infrastructure from potential lava flows. The people of Grindavik, facing one of the largest evacuations in their history, are grappling with the magnitude of the incident.

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