
  • Morning Rundown: Rabbi Schneider’s Antisemitism Prophecy Has Come to Pass

    Morning Rundown: Rabbi Schneider’s Antisemitism Prophecy Has Come to Pass

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Rabbi Schneider’s Antisemitism Prophecy Has Come to Pass In a July 7th live video on YouTube, Rabbi Kirt Schneider described a revelation he received from the Lord about the coming antisemitism that would forever rock Israel. “The Lord spoke to me in early July as

  • Icelandic Evacuation: Are Earthquakes Fulfilling Biblical Prophecy?

    Icelandic Evacuation: Are Earthquakes Fulfilling Biblical Prophecy?

    In a quiet Icelandic town, Grindavik, a state of emergency has been declared, and residents have evacuated their homes due to the threat of a volcano eruption. The ground beneath them is trembling with a surge in seismic activity, prompting authorities to take swift action. As thousands of earthquakes and tremors shake the southwestern peninsula

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