Fri. Sep 6th, 2024

Former US Ambassador: Divine Bible Ties Between Israel, Jerusalem and Embassy Move

In an exclusive interview with Charisma News, former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman gave unique insight behind his tenure with the Department of State.

The former ambassador began by recounting the commitment to progress given by then-President Donald Trump when assuming the role.

Expressing a desire to break from past policies, the ambassador emphasized a fundamental belief in the biblical connection between Israel and its territories. “American policy toward Israel was fundamentally wrong. It didn’t recognize the divinity of this territory,” Friedman states unequivocally.

In Genesis 17:8, God’s covenant with Abraham solidifies the enduring bond between the Jewish people and the land of Canaan. This verse signifies the eternal promise made by God to Abraham and his descendants, affirming their ownership of the land as an everlasting possession. For the Jewish people, this verse establishes a divine connection to the land that transcends generations. It’s a testament to the faithfulness of God’s word and a source of strength and identity, symbolizing their unique relationship with the Promised Land.

One of the pivotal moves discussed was the relocation of the US embassy to Jerusalem. The ambassador credited the president’s support for enabling the successful execution of the embassy move, a decision that aligned with biblical significance. “Jerusalem, you know, in [the] Hebrew language means ‘city of peace,'” the former ambassador explained, pointing to Isaiah 2 as a testament to the city’s divine role in facilitating global harmony.

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Addressing concerns about international backlash, the former ambassador stressed the importance of making decisions that align with the biblical covenant. Referring to the Pompeo doctrine, a policy developed in collaboration with Secretary Mike Pompeo, the former ambassador underscored the assertion that the Jewish people have a right to their biblical homeland. This doctrine, which emphasizes the biblical connections to Judea and Samaria, has become a cornerstone of policy.

Deuteronomy 1:8 stands as a pivotal declaration that underscores the fulfillment of God’s promise to the patriarchs. By presenting the land before the Israelites and urging them to possess it, this verse encapsulates the culmination of centuries of anticipation. For the Jewish people, this verse carries the weight of historical fulfillment, symbolizing the realization of their ancestral dreams. The land becomes more than just a physical territory; it is a tangible embodiment of God’s providence, a sacred inheritance and a testament to their spiritual journey.

Drawing on history, the former ambassador reminded listeners of the biblical narratives associated with various holy sites. Expressing concerns about the preservation of these sites under differing control, the former ambassador highlighted the critical role of Israel’s sovereignty.

“I think most people in Israel recognize the importance of this territory…My view is that Israel needs to do what is best for Israel. Israel needs to respect the extraordinary position it occupies within the world, to take great pride in the face that Israel is the land of biblical covenant,” Friedman says.

The former ambassador urged Israel to proudly uphold its biblical ties and stand firm in asserting its rights. “We can’t give up our sovereignty, it was given to us by God,” Friedman proclaimed, stressing the importance of embracing the country’s identity while inviting the world to share in its cultural and spiritual heritage.

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.

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