Mon. Sep 23rd, 2024

Mario Murillo Says the Youth of America Will Soon Experience Awakening in a Big Way

Mario Murillo’s voice has been heard around the world, and his ministry impacts millions. He brings a message that zeroes in on the hurts of society, and he preaches Christ clearly and intelligently, openly declaring the power of Jesus to transform lives.

Murillo offers a simple invitation: Come and see what Jesus can do. He says Christ has the power to end addiction, racism, violence, disease and other evils that plague people around the globe, including the little cancer of society we call cancel culture.

But Murillo says none of this is new in our country. Things like these have been happening for centuries, and people have been trying to cancel out or even eradicate Christianity since it began after the death of Jesus.

The good news is that we are all overcomers in Christ, and Murillo says we will soon see the great awakening for which believers in our country have been waiting and praying for years.

“The Bible is chock-full of examples of how things looked versus how they really were,” Murillo told me on a recent episode of the Strang Report on the Charisma Podcast Network. “The most beautiful example was Gehazi and Elisha. Some 10,000 soldiers came to arrest the prophet and his Bible college graduate that he had just hired. Gehazi was terrified, but Elisha was totally calm.

“He looked at him and he said, ‘There are more with us than there are with them,’ Murillo says. “And then he said, ‘Lord, open his eyes that he may see.’ He saw the fiery chariots that were innumerable, and the entire script was flipped. Go to Ephesians and you see that same verse, only this time it’s Paul talking to the Ephesians and saying, ‘My prayer is that God will open your eyes to understand the riches of His calling and inheritance in the saints to understand the power of God that He demonstrated when He raised His Son from the dead.’

“You know, Barna just released a report saying the Millennials don’t believe in God; they don’t want God,” he says. “It sounded horrible until they got to a part of the report that was very illuminating. What it said was that the Millennials are trusting in horoscopes, arts and media, meaning that their philosophical approach to Spirit is feeling and emotion. It’s an impulsive thing. It’s not rational, settled fact. It’s not something they constructed after researching and seeing what’s real.

“That’s when it hit me: They are vulnerable to the presence and the glory of God,” Murillo adds. “If they walk into a meeting and they feel the presence of God … well, the same statistics held true in 1966 through 1970 about the youth culture. They abandoned the church and didn’t believe in God. They were getting stoned. In some ways, their abandonment of tradition and morality was more pervasive than in this generation. So we’ve been through all of this before. And just like the hurricane center can say, there’s going to be a drop in pressure; the winds are going to come in violently to equalize it. And that’s what’s going to happen in America. The youth are going to experience God. That’s what we are seeing in our tent crusades now.”

That’s an exciting statement for the church to cling to, and we can all look forward to watching it all unfold. As the Bible says in 2 Peter 3:9 (MEV), “The Lord is not slow concerning His promise, as some count slowness. But He is patient with us, because He does not want any to perish, but all to come to repentance.”

God Cancel Culture R
I so appreciate my longtime friend Mario Murillo and the incredible things he does for the kingdom. He has a tent crusade coming up Aug. 8-11 on the campus of Sammy Rodriguez’s church, New Season in Sacramento, California, so I’d like to ask you, my listeners, to pray for the success of that event and for multitudes of people to come to the saving knowledge of Christ.

Mario and I talked about many more great things going on in the kingdom right now, so please tune into this episode of the Strang Report to hear what’s happening.

Please spread the word about my podcasts, the Strang Report and God and Cancel Culture, to your followers on social media. Be sure to subscribe to the Strang Report and God and Cancel Culture on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcast platform for more podcasts to inspire you to experience the power of the Holy Spirit. {eoa}

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