Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

3 Bold Steps to Your New Beginning

More often than I confess, I sat on my unmade bed, sorrow of how life turned out echoing within me. And because of the unbearable loss—my eyesight, my youngest son, the constant question repeated: How could this have happened to me? Where was God when I begged Him to intervene?

With no answers, I swallowed my grief, looked in the mirror and saw myself in emotional disrepair, seemingly worthless and desperately needing a spirit makeover.

You might have been in that stage of desperation, too. Perhaps profound loss or disappointment rusted your hope, and the engine that brought you joy doesn’t work anymore. With no other option, you’re paralyzed with heartache.

Three Steps

  • Be still. Oh, how difficult it is to be still, to be calm when pain screams inside. How hard it is when the loss digs a deeper void in our hearts. Yet, God says, “Be still and know that I am God” (Ps. 46:10a). If He’s God, He can do what we cannot on our own. If He’s God, even the impossible will be possible. And since we do know He is the Most High God, merciful and loving, why wouldn’t He give us a new beginning?

God knows all those aches that enter our heart. And because He knows each stage, and each malfunction that brought us to this place, He is ready to restore. And if we’re ready, here are three steps to begin the process.

  • Be willing. Allow God to remove the old, to toss out the lies and misconceptions, the ones that whisper the pain won’t end. Let Him remove any traces of self-pity as He sands off coats of regret, guilt and failures. And be willing to let go notions of what you thought life should be.

God says it best in Isaiah 43:18-19a: “Do not remember the former things nor consider the things of old. See, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not be aware of it?”

  • Be ready. Be prepared for the best. Life’s inevitable ugly moments become lovely when His hands are at work. With the tools of His love, the divine mechanic turns all to good. It shines with bright colors of hope and sparkles with expectations.

A talented mechanic rebuilds a vehicle. A loving God restores a life. And embracing that restoration with new days ahead, we can confidently join the psalmist when He said: “For You have turned my mourning into dancing; You have put off my sackcloth and girded me with gladness, so that my glory may sing praise to You and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever” (Ps. 30:11-12).

Wearing the clothes of joy, we let Him do the driving. Let Him lead the dance. And Let Him write the lyrics of the song that details the beauty of our future.

Let’s Pray

Father, in the midst of Your transformation, help me to believe. To be still and embrace the new me, the new life, the new relationships and the new path to my future. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Are you ready to enter the new beginning God has prepared for you? {eoa}

Janet Perez Eckles is an international speaker and the author of four books. She has helped thousands conquer fear and bring back joy.

This article originally appeared at

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