Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

How to Raise Kingdom Kids in a Porn-Saturated World

Brianna and Cole (names have been changed) first became suspicious when their 14-year-old son Charlie was up late at night in a dark bedroom with his iPhone screen still shining brightly.

“I was going to tell him to knock it off,” said Cole. “It was time for bed.” 

Instead, he discovered his son’s porn use.

Not only had Charlie found a way around the parental controls installed on his phone, the pages he’d accessed “were revolting,” recalls his mother Brianna.

Added Cole: “It was bad enough when we grew up sneaking our father’s Playboy magazines out of the house. What Charlie was looking at, there is no comparison.”

It’s not just teenagers that have this problem. Many fathers and grandfathers also face this.

In fact, many of them have walked through the Conquer Series, a cinematic series that helps men overcome porn addiction together.

One young boy with Asperger’s Syndrome was exposed to pornography when his mother’s boyfriend used to watch it while the young boy was in the room. It wasn’t until the boy moved in with his grandparents at age 15 that the grandparents realized the extent of his porn addiction.

“Now I lead a Conquer Series group with him in it,” shared the grandfather, “and he has learned how to overcome this and wants to eventually lead a group alone or with me.” 

Why is Porn Use a Concern?  

Porn’s tentacles are everywhere, and it’s hitting men, women and families of all ages and stages, all around the globe. Check out these alarming statistics:

  • 90 percent of children ages 8 to 16 have seen online pornography
  • Children ages 12 to 17 are the largest group of Internet porn consumers
  • 74 percent of adult men say they use porn at least once a month

Unfortunately, developing a porn habit can lead to significant problems in later life, such as intimacy issues with a future spouse, divorce, lost productivity, lost employment, affairs, acting out sexually and so much more.

There is a way out …

In breaking the porn habit, as Dr. Ted Roberts, former pastor, Marine fighter pilot and host of the Conquer Series says, “Trying harder doesn’t work.”

It’s about a complete renewal of the mind, and the Conquer Series was created to do just that.

A six-disc DVD set, the Conquer Series is packed with over five hours of powerful teaching told through cinematic parables and offers Bible-based strategies to conquer porn. Host Dr. Ted Roberts has a 90 percent success rate in helping thousands of men break free from porn.

The Conquer Series has been used by 450,000 people in 65 different countries all over the world to overcome porn addiction. Sandra Barnes said, “My teenage sons have watched it, and we have all learned so much!”

“This series has helped change my life,” said Matthew Cook. “The healing it has caused has revolutionized my relationship with my wife, kids and people at church.”

“I absolutely love this disc series! This is how good it is: our 19- and 17-year-old sons exist in their phones—texting, listening to music,” Tammy Miller shared. “Not 15 minutes in, we saw them put down their phones, take the earbuds out of their ears and watch intensely. Each time we put in the DVDs, the phones went down and they watched and took in all what was being said … excellent, excellent series.”

As a family of believers, we need to break the hold of porn so that those who are afflicted can walk in freedom and so our children’s future is free from porn’s devastating effects.

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