Thu. Sep 12th, 2024

How You Can Achieve Faster Fitness Results

Make sure to eat a high-protein breakfast every day.

I don’t know anyone who, when attempting to lose weight and get healthy, doesn’t want to get results as fast as possible. While I can’t promise that you will lose 30 pounds in 30 days, I can say that if you use the following three quick tips, you can get faster and more lasting results.

However, keep the following principle in mind as you practice each tip: You will only get out what you are willing to put in. This is a biblical principle: “Be not deceived. God is not mocked. For whatever a man sows, that will he also reap” (Gal. 6:7).

So to reap excellent health, you must sow the habits that lead to the harvest.

Without further delay, here are the tips:

1. Create unstoppable motivation. Go deeper than the shallow reasons for wanting to shed pounds. Looking good or fitting into a certain size is an OK goal, but that is not enough to keep you going when you want to quit. God did not put you here just for your own pleasure—He created you to make a difference. Consider the many ways getting fit will positively impact your life and the lives of others:

  • It will give you energy to fulfill your God-given purpose
  • It will empower you to be a better spouse, parent, employee or business owner
  • It will enable you to be a positive role model and perhaps influence others to take care of themselves
  • It will strengthen you mentally and emotionally so you can handle life’s challenges well
  • It will give you the discipline you need to reach your goals in all areas of your life

Right now, think beyond yourself and come up with reasons as to why getting healthy yourself is a great gift for your friends, family and others within your circle of influence.

2. Eat a high-protein breakfast. A study from Purdue University found that eating a breakfast of lean, high-protein foods such as eggs and Canadian bacon led to study participants having a greater sense of fullness and boosted their mood throughout the entire day. These same results were not found if the added protein was at lunch or dinner. The great thing is that this one small change may lead to better self-control in your daily food intake overall.

Other high-protein foods to consider adding to your breakfast include low-fat yogurt (make sure it has less than 10 grams of sugar per serving), turkey bacon, a protein fruit smoothie, a protein breakfast bar (again less than 10 grams of sugar and at least 5 grams of fiber), low-fat cheese and low-fat milk or unsweetened almond or soy milk. I do recommend organic dairy products if you consume them to avoid the added hormones and antibiotics found in regular dairy products.

And a quick note … if you are skipping breakfast, that is the worst thing you can do concerning weight loss. When you skip meals, your body thinks you are starving and holds on to fat for dear life. The one thing that all weight-loss success stories have in common (besides exercising regularly) is eating breakfast. So join them by doing the same.

3. Make at least one of your exercise sessions 1 hour each week. A study at the University of Victoria in British Columbia found that people who exercised for 60 minutes burned almost 5 times as many calories in the hours after the workout versus those who did only 30 minutes. Can you believe it? Double the time, but 5 times the results. Going longer forces your body to raid your fat stores to come up with the calories needed for repairing muscles and other recovery tasks.

But if you are not exercising at all and are in poor shape, do not start with one hour as your goal. Start with 10 minutes and then add five minutes each week so you ease yourself into handling the longer workout.

And please, if you are going to put in the extra time to exercise, commit to embracing the effort. Why make it any harder than it has to be by complaining about it and dreading it? Instead, smile and act as if you have already achieved the healthy results you want. I guarantee with that attitude shift, you will be enjoying the results in reality sooner than you think.

So put these tips to the test this week to jump-start your weight loss. And if you are seeking even more ways to get the best results, check out the Take Back Your Temple program as well. {eoa}

Once 240 pounds and a size 22, Kimberly Taylor can testify of God’s healing power to end binge eating. She is an author and the creator of the Christian weight-loss website Visit today for inspirational health and weight-loss tips.

For the original article, visit

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