Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

Will the American Dream Turn Into a Nightmare?

woman praying earnestly

The counsel of the LORD stands forever; the plans of His heart from generation to generation. Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD,
The people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance” (Psalm 33:11–12).

As the executive director for the Awakening America Alliance and national coordinator for Cry Out America, I have a couple of questions for you to consider:

➢ Have you ever had a dream that inspired you?
➢ Or maybe a nightmare that terrified you?

In the Genesis account, Joseph had an amazing dream that caused trouble with his brothers and seemed to turn into a nightmare. Yet from the pit to the dungeon and eventually to second in command of the civilized world, he experienced God’s dream. It impacted the salvation of his family, the future of Israel as a nation, and ultimately our salvation through Jesus Christ, the Messiah.

I realize dreams don’t always come true in our lifetime but may be fulfilled in the next generation. David envisioned building a temple for the Lord. Solomon experienced his father’s dream!

Do you have a dream or a nightmare for America—for the kingdom of God in the last days? The writer of Proverbs tells us, “Where there is no revelation [or vision] the people cast off restraint” (29:18, NKJV).

When we read headlines such as “The Moral Values of America Collapsing” or “A Bleak Future for the American Church,” we can’t help but wonder if we are allowing the enemy to turn our godly dreams into nightmares.

The same God who spoke to Abraham, Joseph, David and many others throughout Scripture, also spoke to the discoverers, founders and forefathers of America. Christopher Columbus’ personal diary shows that the prophet Isaiah’s words—”It is He who sits above the circle of the earth”—are what made the young discoverer dream the Earth was round, not flat. Martin Luther King Jr., America’s most famous “dreamer,” envisioned a nation where godly character brings reconciliation and creates community. Was his dream only skin deep? His life and death testify that his vision was deeper, wider, more sacred and higher.

We have a choice. We can embrace our Christian heritage and godly destiny, or we can walk in compromise, doubt and fear. I say, “God, give us clear revelation of Your vision for America!”

Will you join with us in extraordinary, unified prayer on 9/11 Crying Out to Him for a Christ awakening in every state, every county, every church and every heart? Visit us at  today and be a part of this great adventure. Dream His dreams! Walk out divine destiny!

 Kay Horner is the executive director of the Awakening America Alliance.

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