Kay Horner

  • How Proclaiming Praise Can Move You Into Prophetic Declarations for Victory

    How Proclaiming Praise Can Move You Into Prophetic Declarations for Victory

    Editor’s Note: This is Part 2 of a two-part article. Read Part 1 at this link. Declared Deliverance Notice closely the declarations of deliverance that occurred when the Israelites began to sing and praise God: The peoples have heard and are afraid; sorrow has taken hold on the inhabitants of Philistia. Then the chiefs of

  • Replace Your Fear With Praise and Prophecy, and Watch What God Does

    Replace Your Fear With Praise and Prophecy, and Watch What God Does

    Editor’s Note: This is Part 1 of a two-part series. Watch for Part 2, coming soon! Even before the coronavirus pandemic escalated in our nation, Moses’ and Miriam’s song of deliverance, recorded in Exodus 15, inspired me with fresh insight that had previously escaped my notice. The superscription in my Bible says, “Song of the

  • This Holiday Season, Take Time to Reflect

    This Holiday Season, Take Time to Reflect

    A few years ago, we relocated my mother from a home several hundred miles away, where she had lived for more than 50 years. She made the transition very well to a small duplex near us, but the move was not without its challenges. Mom’s heart sometimes longed for the more familiar past when family

  • Holy Spirit’s Upside-Down Way of Adjusting Your Attitude

    Holy Spirit’s Upside-Down Way of Adjusting Your Attitude

    In a few hours, we would begin a national prayer gathering with denominational, kingdom network and marketplace leaders. Of an estimated 350,000 churches in the United States, more than 120,000 would be represented by the 185 leaders in the room. Along with a select group of pastors and intercessors, we had come to humble ourselves

  • The Supernatural Secret to Fulfilling Your God-Given Destiny

    The Supernatural Secret to Fulfilling Your God-Given Destiny

    The young woman standing before us was very beautiful, gifted and articulate as she shared her passion and vision for ministry. Many in the conference that week had been drawn by her smile and warm personality as they engaged in networking opportunities for national ministry initiatives. No one would have guessed she had battled to

  • How Luke 1:35 Power Changed Mary—and Can Change You

    How Luke 1:35 Power Changed Mary—and Can Change You

    Aren’t you thankful for God’s Word and the way it draws us into conversation with him? Conversing with the Lord of the universe usually goes beyond the typical surface comments people would make to one another. Why would you ask the Creator, “What do you think about this weather we’re having?” After all, he orchestrated the forecast and

  • What Jesus’ Dying Words Can Teach Us About Heaven-Focused Intimacy

    What Jesus’ Dying Words Can Teach Us About Heaven-Focused Intimacy

    As our attention is drawn this month to the passion of the Christ, I’ve been reflecting on our Savior’s final words spoken from the cross. By all accounts, Jesus didn’t do a lot of talking. He was almost silent during those painful hours as He hung suspended between earth and heaven. These significant “seven last

  • You Can’t Experience Abundant Life Without This Critical Ingredient

    You Can’t Experience Abundant Life Without This Critical Ingredient

    Lord, I cry out to You because I want to know You more deeply. I want to experience more of Your love and its governance or control in my life. I want to live a life that sacrifices my desires for Yours. Help me to be a person who sacrifices of my life in order

  • Discovering Your God-Given Position in Today’s Rising Remnant

    Discovering Your God-Given Position in Today’s Rising Remnant

    “Then He came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, “So, could you not keep watch with Me one hour? Watch and pray that you enter not into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Matt. 26:40-41, MEV). Suppose we respond yes to Christ’s call to wake up and

  • Take a Stand Against America’s Devastation With This Sacred Assignment

    Take a Stand Against America’s Devastation With This Sacred Assignment

    America will either seek God from a place of desperation, or we will find ourselves crying out to Him from a place of devastation!    We are watching America morph before our eyes. The reality is without a transformational revival and true spiritual awakening that impacts the culture, our grandchildren will not enjoy the freedoms we

  • What Was in the Cup?

    What Was in the Cup?

    “Abba, Father, all things are possible for You. Remove this cup from Me; yet not what I will, but what You will” (Mark 14:36). The stage was set as God was planning for the most important event to ever take place in human history—the redemption of mankind. But first Jesus had to prepare. He had to

  • When God Calls Your Name

    When God Calls Your Name

    Do you hear Him calling your name?  John 20:14-18 Do you wonder how long Jesus must have been observing this scene with the disciples and Mary? Yet He chose to reveal Himself at this very moment. The first person to whom Jesus revealed Himself after His resurrection (Mark 16:9) was not a prominent Jewish official

  • What Moved Jesus to Weep

    What Moved Jesus to Weep

    We view the Passion narrative with hope, knowing the “rest of the story,” as Paul Harvey would say. However, the women and disciples who went to the tomb that first resurrection Sunday were overwhelmed by grief and despair. Hear the deep disappointment in the words of Christ’s followers on the road to Emmaus as they

  • An Intercessor Calls for the Church to Pray for Awakening

    An Intercessor Calls for the Church to Pray for Awakening

    A common thread has begun to weave itself through the American church. Of course, we have always shared the same faith, Lord, and blood of Christ that cleanses us from sin. Yet, this thread is something new, something different in the 21st century. Pastors are preaching about it; conferences are being held to discuss it;

  • Call for Prayer on 9/11

    Call for Prayer on 9/11

    As we reflect on the fundamental, significant, and disturbing shift in the cultural landscape of this country, the need for a Christ awakening seems more urgent than ever before. While the majority of the people do not agree with recent Supreme Court rulings, essentially redefining the definition of marriage in all 50 states, others are

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