Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The 5-Minute Depression Cure

Smiling woman

I was feeling down recently. My throat hurt from coughing, my nose was stuffy, and my head ached. I was dwelling on how bad I felt.

And then I looked over at my husband, Mike. He had been nursing me for the past couple of days, and I know he was tired too. I really appreciated what he had done for me. After I told him thank you, I said, “Being married to you makes me praise God more.”

Instantly, my spirit lifted as I started thinking about all the other things for which I wanted to praise God. A psychiatrist once said that most people he had encountered with depressive and neurotic disorders almost always were faultfinders; their thoughts centered around what they’ve lost or what they lack. 

But praising God and having an attitude of gratitude helps you focus on what you’ve gained and the abundance you have in Him. That’s certainly a better place to live mentally, wouldn’t you agree?

Here is a list of blessings God has given you in Christ Jesus, taken from Ephesians 1:

1. He has blessed you with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.

2. He has chosen you in Him before the foundation of the world, that you should be holy and without blame before Him in love.

3. He has adopted you as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself.

4. He has redeemed you through His blood.

5. He has forgiven you of sins.

6. He has given you the riches of His grace in all abundance and prudence.

7. He makes known to you the mystery of His will.

8. He has given you an inheritance.

9. He sealed you with the Holy Spirit as a guarantee.

10. He made you alive in Christ.

11. He has given you His peace.

12. He has given you access to Him in Christ.

13. He made you a fellow citizen with the saints and the household of God.

Meditating on the list above often should help lift your spirit, transporting you into God’s presence. Depression is simply the spirit of heaviness, and God has given us the garment of praise for a heavy spirit. It’s time to put it on!

Once 240 pounds and a size 22, Kimberly Taylor can testify to God’s healing power to end binge eating. She is the creator of the new online course “How to Stop Binge Eating.” Charisma readers can get a discount today with the coupon code: Charisma.

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