Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Why America Stands With Israel … and a Warning

Jonathan Cahn

Did you know that John Winthrop, one of the Puritan fathers, believed that the Plymouth colony was established after the pattern of Israel in order to be “a New Israel?”

Did you know that there was some discussion early on for Hebrew to be the official language of this new country? Did you know that there are Hebrew letters in the official seal of Yale University?

I may have heard this in the past, but I didn’t think about it much until I had breakfast earlier this month at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention and Exposition with Jonathan Cahn, the author of The Harbinger. He was there to meet broadcasters and to talk about The Harbinger, which has sold more than one million copies. We continue to get emails about how the book is really changing lives.

I was getting ready to speak, a few hours later, at a pro-Israel event in Nashville sponsored by my good friend Robert Stearns and Eagles’ Wings. I was talking it over with Jonathan and got so excited about some of the things he shared with me that it became the gist of my brief speech.

Jonathan said, “I believe America has been blessed partly because it has become the greatest refuge in the last 2000 years for the Jewish people. But the love for Israel is part of our spiritual DNA, going back to the Puritan fathers.”

The people at Robert Stearns’ luncheon seemed very interested when I talked about the fact that the very week the Jews were expelled from Spain, Columbus sailed toward America, not knowing that he would discover a new world.

America has blessed Israel as no other nation has. Because of the Abrahamic covenant, America also has been a most blessed nation. But that leads to a warning, because while America has been blessed, it is turning away from God just as Israel turned away. God is warning America that we need to repent and turn back to Him.

This is the gist of The Harbinger, where the prophecy in Isaiah 9:10 literally came to fruition with the attacks of 9/11.

In fact, as we chatted that morning, Jonathan mentioned to me something that I did not know. The One Year Bible, published by Tyndale, breaks down the Bible into daily segments so that you can read through it in one year. It just happens that the verse of Isaiah 9:10—the warning of The Harbinger—is to be read on Sept. 11.

When I got back to the office, I found a copy of the One Year Bible published in 1987. I had written on the front page that I had read through the Bible in 1989. The pages were starting to turn yellow with age.

But, there it was on Sept. 11, many years before the terrorist attacks. What is the significance of that? I’m not sure, but it is interesting.

Another very interesting fact from The Harbinger surrounds the day on the Jewish calendar that the debts were forgiven every seven years, called the Shemitah. It turned out that the Shemitah was the Monday after the terrorist attacks, and the day that signified the biggest stock market drop in history. In The Harbinger, the “prophet” explains this to Nouriel, the fictional journalist piecing together the mystery.

Seven years to the day later on the Jewish calendar was the next biggest drop in stock market history. I urge you to read The Harbinger to get more detail. All I can do here is to comment on it. But a reader of The Harbinger actually figured the statistics and found that the odds of this happening once are one in almost 1,200. The odds of it happening twice are one in almost 1.4 million.

I personally don’t put prophetic significance to that because there has been a Shemitah every seven years since the time of Moses. But it is an interesting coincidence, and it’s something that makes you wonder about the message God is conveying to America.

I believe America must stand strong with Israel. I am concerned that the Obama administration seems to be moving in a different direction—another great cause of concern for our country.

Let’s pray that our nation will turn to God, and that our nation will continue to stand strong with Israel.

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Steve Strang is the founder and publisher of Charisma. Follow him on Twitter @sstrang or Facebook (stephenestrang). 

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