Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

How you can join the real battle for America

When Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said that “Chick-fil-A’s values are not Chicago values,” George O. Wood, general superintendent of the Assemblies of God, was quick to speak up.

In an article we ran on, Wood framed the debate in terms that went beyond the immediate issue involving Chick-fil-A: “We are in the middle of a massive decision in this country as to whether we are going to embrace a path toward total secularism which marginalizes people of faith, or whether people of faith and other persons of good will are going to rally to the side of those who hold to the moral and religious values that have made this country what it is.”

We all know things are bad and getting worse with our culture. We no longer debate issues such as whether it’s right or wrong to drink or gamble—things the church used to emphasize. Now with the same-sex debate, things seem to have spiraled out of control. And the church appears confused. Why is this happening? Who will speak up? When Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy articulated a very basic belief in the traditional family structure and marriage, he was vilified.

Indeed, Wood says America is at a watershed moment—and that it’s still up in the air as to which side is going to prevail: “Christians have a choice in this upcoming election whether they are going to put their moral values ahead of everything else. There’s been so much talk about the economy, and that’s understandable when you are hurting financially. But if the culture shifts and we become Western Europe replayed—where religion is out of fashion, so to speak—then we are headed for moral chaos in this country and decline. Christians in this country have to come to an understanding of where they are with regard to the moral issues of our day—issues that relate to life and issues that relate to sexuality.”

Woods’ words resonated with people. Within hours the item was everywhere online—it had more than 35,000 “shares” on Facebook by week’s end—and countless sites picked up the article. The reason: People want to understand what’s going on because we are in a spiritual battle. We are not wrestling with flesh and blood.

That’s the theme of a new study Bible that Charisma House released last month. We’ll highlight The Spiritual Warfare Bible more later, but suffice to say it’s full of material about fighting our enemy in the spiritual realm. For 37 years we’ve tried to encourage people to operate in the spirit, whether it was by giving Derek Prince a platform in the 1980s to teach on deliverance ministry or telling the stories of people like Kim Daniels and her “demon-buster” ministry, or even introducing someone like Cindy Trimm, whose books on taking authority over the enemy have resonated with tens of thousands.

Now, more than ever, it’s time for God’s people to take a stand. That may be by speaking out as Wood did or reporting on it as we do daily at and But more important is how we fight on our knees. This battle won’t be won in the media or at the voting booth; it will be won in the spiritual realm.

To that degree, we want to help you understand the times and inspire your faith. In this issue, for example, we report on Christians “occupying” Boston by interceding for their city. Our websites and free Charisma News app give voice to Christian leaders who help explain spiritually what’s happening in a way the evening news or your local newspaper won’t. Our e-newsletters do the same—such as Prophetic Insight, where those with prophetic ministry speak to the issues of the day.

We also give updates on key events like America for Jesus, a solemn assembly held in Philadelphia on Sept. 28-29. Plan to be there (as I and my family will). In fact, look for a special issue of Charisma next month dedicated entirely to calling America back to prayer.

I hope this doesn’t sound like shameless promotion. It’s just my way to connect with you and let you know what we’re doing to get Christians praying. However you engage in the battle, let’s commit to bombarding heaven for a change in the spiritual realm over our nation.

 Steve Strang is the founder and publisher of Charisma. Follow him on Twitter @sstrang or sign up to get his reports at

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