Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Psalm 62:1-12 David gives excellent advice in the psalm. He exhorts us to trust in the Lord at all times and to pour out our concerns and cares before Him. I learned how much God does love for us to cast our cares upon Him several years ago.

My usual time with the Lord is in the early morning. For some reason I missed my usual time and did not have this special time with the Lord until it was 2 p.m. As I went to prayer, the Lord spoke the following to my heart: “Linda, I love you because you cast every care upon Me. Thank you.”

At that moment, I saw with my spiritual eyes my cares wrapped as gift-wrapped packages. They were ascending to the throne room, and Jesus was there to catch each package. He held the gifts of my cares to His bosom and danced around heaven rejoicing because now He could perfect all those things that concerned me. One of the cares I cast upon the Lord was my concern for my boys to marry wonderful Christian girls who were also called to be laborers in God’s vineyard. Five minutes after I released this to the Lord, I received a telephone call from one of my “daughters in the Lord.” I had grown weary of waiting for daughters-in-law, so I adopted and mentored several younger women I knew. Rebecca, one of these special daughters, called and said, “Linda, I believe I have a message for you from the Lord. I really wrestled with the Lord about calling you since I knew I would be seeing you this afternoon at 4 at our prayer time. But when I was in a Christian bookstore I saw a sign that I knew was a message for you. The sign said, ‘Daughters-in-law are worth waiting for.'” The timing of this call was too perfect to be a coincidence. I believe God dropped a post card from heaven through Rebecca to me telling me to be patient. The daughters-in-law were on the way. Today I have three of the most beautiful daughters-in-law, and they all adore God and their husbands. They all are servants in God’s vineyard.

Is there a burden or care this morning that you want to cast upon the Lord? He is waiting expectantly to receive it, and He will perfect all those things that are a concern to you.

Lord, forgive me for not pouring out my heart to You. Help me to cast every care upon You, because I know You do care for me. Amen.

READ: Numbers 28:15-29:40; Luke 3:3-38; Psalm 62:1-12; Proverbs 11:18-19

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