Tue. Mar 18th, 2025

You were designed to be a free-flowing channel of Jesus Christ Himself.

Are you ever amazed at how quickly news travels? As soon as candidate Mike Huckabee won the Iowa caucus in January, headlines hit the banners on computer screens and flooded the overhead televisions at the airport. If it’s juicy gossip, you’ll find cell phones flipping open, a clutch of people whispering nearby or thumbs burning among the text message set.

News may travel fast, but the “good news” travels remarkably. More than just through broadcast media or the printed page, the good news is carried through you. God has made you to be a conduit of all He is.

A conduit is simply the channel or means through which something moves from one point to another. It can be airwaves for radio or television communication, pipes for water or wires for electricity.

Yet you are the greatest conduit in the world. You were designed to be a free-flowing channel of Jesus Christ Himself. One example: Consider the laying on of hands. You can transfer anointing and healing, blessing and faith, or a multitude of gifts our Father freely gives. Or, as the Bible warns, it can be a dangerous transfer if done too hastily, such as in the ordination of an unprepared church leader (see 1 Tim. 5:22).

God has simply chosen that as His conduits, you and I are His “agents” of change in the earth. In the original Greek, Jesus decreed: “Come thy kingdom. Be done thy will” (Matt. 6:10). God’s will would be done on earth as it is in heaven. How can this be?

Jesus no longer walks among us physically. Yet He has given us His mandate and all we need for life and godliness through the Holy Spirit. This can mean only one thing: It’s going to happen through you and me.

The Bible declares that God will give to us every place we walk (see Deut. 11:24). This means that we can bring the atmosphere of heaven wherever we go. We can usher in His peace, love, revelation, transformation of society and so much more as holy conduits.

Yet the problem often lies in our ability to receive His “transmission.” It is an act of faith to believe we do hear God’s instructions, just as it takes faith to believe an unseen radio wave is passing through our living rooms. But we are confident that we can “turn on the tunes” and hear music.

Scientists tell us that the greatest metal conduit is pure gold. According to my Bible, that’s your faith.

Other obstacles besides a lack of faith can block our reception. If our hearts are hard, our wires are down. If we are unaware of our identity as conduits, we walk through life without tapping into the spiritual power God has given us. We must be full of the Word and most importantly, spend time in intimacy with the Lord to overflow with His presence. That’s the only way we become pure channels that “leak” His life-changing love to a hurting human race.

It takes humility to be a conduit. Being a receiver is rather foreign to today’s cultural mind-set. Most people would rather be a “source” than a conduit. They want to create and control—and then take the credit.

A conduit simply passes on what it receives from its source. That’s how Jesus gets the honor due His name. That’s how lasting change will truly come to the earth. The bottom line is that we make choices about what we will transfer. If we are caught up in Desperate Housewives or betrayal on some reality show, it’s a no-brainer what we will impart. Likewise, if we despair when our football team loses or become lost in some form of caustic music, we will be a conduit of those things.

As we pursue growth in our high calling—that of knowing Him and evangelizing the lost—our flow will be limitless. The transfer of heaven through believers corporately will be exponential, and the revelation imparted to and transformation effected in a dying world by Jesus Christ will be unstoppable.

Ché Ahn is senior pastor of Harvest Rock Church in Pasadena, California. He leads an apostolic network in more than 30 nations and has authored numerous books, including Fire Evangelism and Close Encounters of the Divine Kind. One of his greatest joys is joining the Father in what He is doing today.


By Che Ahn

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