Marilyn Hickey

  • Don’t Let Stress, Worry or Anxiety Consume Your Life

    Don’t Let Stress, Worry or Anxiety Consume Your Life

    Are you feeling weary, wondering if you’ll ever be healed or if your troubles will ever end? Don’t let stress, worry or anxiety consume your life. On the seventh day, God was not tired. Creation was finished, and man’s first full day on the earth with God was a day of rest. No wonder Jesus

  • Kellie Copeland: Exchange Everything You Lack for Everything He Has

    Kellie Copeland: Exchange Everything You Lack for Everything He Has

    Is there anything better than talking to the one who loves you most and knows you best? Kellie Copeland, daughter of Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, grew up a preacher’s kid, in church and faith. She got married right out of high school, but the marriage didn’t last long, and she became a single mom to

  • Walk Fearlessly Into Your Destiny

    Walk Fearlessly Into Your Destiny

    The enemy of our soul, the devil, is an identity thief operating in his No. 1 weapon: fear. He tries to steal our purpose, destiny and God’s best for our lives. Fear is the stronghold of the enemy that torments people with bondage over their minds, bodies, families, finances and marriages. John Ramirez, author of

  • You Can Be Released From Trauma’s Captivity

    You Can Be Released From Trauma’s Captivity

    Dr. Mike Hutchings’ family passed down a lot of trauma, alcoholism, mental illness and generational curses. Since childhood, he had intrusive thoughts and experienced “monsters” and family trauma. His father and uncle served in World War II, and his uncle suffered PTSD throughout his life. He wrote “Supernatural Freedom from the Captivity of Trauma” to

  • Replace the Enemy’s Lies With God’s Truth

    Replace the Enemy’s Lies With God’s Truth

    Do you struggle with worry, bad habits, negativity and confusion? Does breakthrough seem impossible? Remember, with God nothing is impossible. Isaiah 41:10 (NLT) tells us not to be afraid: “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you

  • When Fear Comes In, Choose to Activate Your Faith

    When Fear Comes In, Choose to Activate Your Faith

    Where is God when you’re afraid? We all face fears on some level. Have you ever considered that fear is faith in the devil? Fear is an awful thing because fear has torment. God doesn’t want us to be tormented, and Satan rules through fear—but God rules through love. Fear opens the door for the

  • Don’t Be Pulled Into Despair Over the World Today

    Don’t Be Pulled Into Despair Over the World Today

    Have you ever wondered what you should do so you don’t get pulled into the chaotic swirl of moral and spiritual confusion sweeping the world today? Like a ship without anchor, this last-days generation is being tossed to and fro by a flood of deception and wrong influences that is tragically causing people to lose

  • Make Wise, Healthy Diet Choices to Benefit Your Brain

    Make Wise, Healthy Diet Choices to Benefit Your Brain

    Dr. Don Colbert has been practicing medicine for several decades. For the past 25 years, he has switched his focus from family medicine to anti-aging, age management and preventive medicine. The reason for the switch is because he became ill and as a result, learned to make food his medicine. The outcome was a reversal

  • God Has a Miracle for You

    God Has a Miracle for You

    Did you know that there are 13 famines found in the Bible? The modern translation of a famine is economic crisis. While she was studying those famines, God told Marilyn Hickey that there were 13 miracles for each of those 13 economic crises. Marilyn believes there are keys to a miracle in every economic crisis:

  • These Practical Wisdom Keys Can Bring You Healing

    These Practical Wisdom Keys Can Bring You Healing

    Greg Mohr understands the heartache and suffering of sickness. In 1977 he had a growth on his neck, and his doctor wasn’t hopeful about Greg’s thyroid cancer. He said the thyroid needed to be removed, and they didn’t know if they could save his larynx. Greg and his wife got into the Word and prayed.

  • Discover God’s Will for Your Life

    Discover God’s Will for Your Life

    Marilyn Hickey loves to mentor people. She’s been a school teacher, a pastor’s wife and a Bible teacher, and she wants to pass on her mantle and raise everyone into the wonderful potential that God has for them. Years ago, a woman mentored Marilyn, showing her valuable things that have sustained her to this day.

  • Morning Rundown: Will Christians Be Part of the Tribulation?

    Morning Rundown: Will Christians Be Part of the Tribulation?

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Will Christians Be Part of the Tribulation? Will God allow the church to go through the Tribulation? Since Christians have been tortured and killed throughout the last 2,000 years for their faith in Jesus Christ, many people believe that the answer to that question is

  • You Can Equip Yourself With Weapons of Warfare

    You Can Equip Yourself With Weapons of Warfare

    In 1999, John Ramirez was a high devil worshipper, within the shadows of the demonic. He was involved in satanism to the core, a medium with the devil. He even has scars on his body from when he sold his soul to the devil. But in 1999, John died in his apartment and ended up

  • Morning Rundown: Kat Von D on Leaving Behind Alcoholism, Throwing Away Occult Books and Baptism

    Morning Rundown: Kat Von D on Leaving Behind Alcoholism, Throwing Away Occult Books and Baptism

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Kat Von D on Leaving Behind Alcoholism, Throwing Away Occult Books and Baptism Kat Von D is breaking her silence on how she became a Christian and her journey of leaving behind alcoholism, throwing away occult books and her baptism that left the entire world

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