
  • Jonathan Cahn: The Curse That Ended the Iranian President

    Jonathan Cahn: The Curse That Ended the Iranian President

    Is there a curse behind the mysterious death of the Iranian president? In his latest prophetic message, Jonathan Cahn unveiled the potential curse that affected the Iranian president, leading to his downfall. “Was it prophetic? Was it a manifestation of a spiritual event, the unfolding of an ancient mystery that stretches back thousands of years?”

  • How Pentecost Reversed an Old Testament Curse

    How Pentecost Reversed an Old Testament Curse

    The day of Pentecost is a critical day for Christians. Through the death of Jesus Christ, our sins have been atoned for, and through His Resurrection we can have eternal life. The day of Pentecost, however, is also key for our faith. It is the day the Holy Spirit came and filled the 120 followers

  • Greg Locke: You Better Get Back on God’s Side

    Greg Locke: You Better Get Back on God’s Side

    The world is in such turmoil at the moment, it is easy to get caught up in it and get swept away by the deception spreading across the globe. But amid all of the media attacks on Israel, the university protests calling for the eradication of Israel and even those claiming to be Christians turning

  • Jenny Weaver Prophesies Against ‘Bad Mom’ Curse

    Jenny Weaver Prophesies Against ‘Bad Mom’ Curse

    As a mother herself, revivalist, worship leader and author Jenny Weaver wants every mother to know she is not a “bad mom.” She is not a failure as a parent in the eyes of Jesus. In this interview with John Matarazzo of Charisma News, Weaver prophesies to women in the body of Christ that they are “soaring”

  • ‘Poverty Is a Curse’ Says Jesse Duplantis

    ‘Poverty Is a Curse’ Says Jesse Duplantis

    There is a wide range of opinions and emotions within the Christian community when it comes to blessing, prosperity and poverty. Interpretations of various verses in the Bible as well as analyzing the words of Jesus and how He lived His life has failed to bring about a consensus on how Christians should view money

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