Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Why You Have More Spiritual Authority Than You Realize

woman point up

During her last music lesson, Susie said, “Miss Becca, thank you for leading me to Jesus. When I graduate from college, I am going to Thailand as a missionary to lead my people to Him and to reach those gripped in darkness to the worship of Buddha.”

We both thanked the Lord for saving Susie, for His faithfulness in her life and for her calling to reach the Buddhist people of Thailand.

You never know where your prayers will take you. No matter what your assignment or measure of rule, when you recognize it and agree with the Lord about it, change and transformation will occur.

Watchmen on the Wall 

We are not living in our neighborhoods and cities by mistake. God has placed us there as His kingdom representatives to partner with Him.

In Acts 17:26, Paul said, “From one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places they should live. God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us” (NIV).

As we build a physical presence, we also carry a role and spiritual authority as watchman on the wall. In ancient times, a watchman was one who stood guard on the city wall. Anything he saw approaching from a distance whether good or bad, he would announce its approach. He had to be alert, especially against hostility or danger.

As watchmen in our territories, we must be on alert through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Lord has given each of us the responsibility to watch—to stand on the wall, see what is approaching, announce it and blow the trumpet. As we stand in this place of prayer, watching on the wall and hearing the voice of the Lord, we can announce and release His directions and commands. The key to effectively legislating authority in our jurisdiction is walking with the Lord in obedience and doing what we see the Father doing.

Pray, Hear and Obey 

At some point we have all had this experience of godly authority, when we discovered an inborn ability to lead or encountered a situation that caused righteous indignation to rise up in our spirits. It may not be a frequent occurrence, but there are those times when unrighteous circumstances present themselves, and something within us takes charge of the situation.

This was the case for me several years ago. The Lord blessed our family with a home in a new neighborhood. It was a peaceful location with many Christian families, several growing church plants and a new field ripe for harvest.

We were driving through the neighborhood one day when my husband, Greg, and I noticed a sign on a corner lot that read: “Future Home for the Mormon Church.” Concerned that this was not the spiritual influence we desired in our neighborhood, I said someone needed to do something before they began to build on the land.

Greg replied, smiling, “You’re right! So when are you going to deal with it?” His challenge surprised me. Even though I did not want a false religion established in our territory, I had not thought about dealing with it myself.

The Lord was calling us to stand on the land and refuse access to this false religion. The following Sunday, we made a trip to the corner lot and stood in front of the sign. I asked Greg if he wanted to pray. He said: “You do it. I am here to agree with you as the Lord leads.”

I began to pray. It was not a lengthy prayer, as I knew our purpose. “Father,” I began, “we thank you for this neighborhood and the families who live here. Father, we thank You ahead of time for the work You are going to do in their lives. Right now we stand as legal landowners and homeowners and ones who have spiritual authority in this region. In the name of Jesus, we say that no Mormon church will be built. We say no to the spirit[s] of lying, error, [and] all Antichrist and witchcraft spirits attached to Mormonism. You are not welcome and will not gain entrance into this territory.

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