Fri. Mar 21st, 2025

When You’ve Lost Control

If you're overwhelmed and stressed out by everything you're suppose to get done before Christmas, read this.

“It only feels like chaos because you’re not in control of it.”

That’s what God told me last night as we were discussing a situation. Ouch, right? But he has a good point.

Sometimes things can feel overwhelming, especially as we approach the holiday season. Family get-togethers, remembering loved ones, money struggles—it tends to coalesce into quite the storm if we aren’t careful.

But why is that? How is it that we so easily forget the promises of God to be faithful, to be with us always?

I think the main reason is that we tend to be led by our emotions. It is human nature to react to what we see and feel. Remember the disciples in the boat with Jesus?

“Then He entered the boat, and His disciples followed Him. Suddenly a great storm arose on the sea, so that the boat was covered with the waves. But He was asleep. His disciples went to Him and awoke Him, saying, ‘Lord, save us! We are perishing!’ He replied, ‘Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?’ Then He rose and rebuked the winds and the sea. And there was a great calm” (Matt. 8:23-26).

They were in the boat with Jesus—but they were more focused on the wind and waves than on who was with them. Suddenly they were not in control of what was going on around them, and they panicked.

It looked scary, and it certainly seemed threatening—yet Jesus was asleep. These were His disciples, His closest friends. Don’t you think that He would have been alert if there was a real threat?

God is all-knowing and all-powerful. The fact that we are uncomfortable when we aren’t in control really isn’t God’s biggest concern. Sometimes He has plans He hasn’t told us about yet.

What feels like chaos may not be what you think.

If you’ve tied yourself up in knots trying to control a situation, and it’s not working, maybe it’s time to stop. Spend some time seeking God. Find out what He’s feeling about it. If He tells you to battle it out in prayer, then to war you go.

But if he doesn’t, take a look at who is in control. Just because it’s not you doesn’t mean it’s chaos. Remember, this is the God who said, “Light, be!” and created a garden in the midst of darkness.

Simply stop. Take a deep breath. Trust Him enough to let go of your control and give Him time to create what He’s wanting to out of your life.

Karen Ramsey is a blogger and special education teacher.

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