Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Learn to Walk in Your Divine Destiny by Understanding This Simple Truth

Do you struggle to walk in everything God has called you to? Author and speaker Michelle McClain-Walters has a word for you: You are chosen to walk in righteousness.

That word from God comes straight through the Scriptures. As she shares in her upcoming book, Chosen, McClain-Walters came to a new understanding of “how God chooses us first. Before we ever chose Him, He chose us.

“And I believe that’s an honor,” McClain-Walters tells Dr. Steve Greene on the “Greenelines” podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. “And based on that, I learned how to live my life. And God really opened this up for me … He began to really talk to me about what it means to be chosen to walk in righteousness, to understand that I have access to heaven. And when you understand what God has designed you to do, you find the chosen path. [It} may not always be easy, but you definitely have grace and wisdom and angels and power and authority.”

The key to this truth, McClain-Walters says, lies in the words of Jesus. “In John 15:16, He said, ‘You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you.’ And then He begins to talk about ‘whatever you ask in the Father’s name, I’m going to give it to you’ because God always wants all of us to understand that we are created by design. Before we were in our mother’s womb, God chose us, and He gave each person an assignment.

“He has a call, He has a reason for your existence,” McClain-Walters says. “I believe you were born in a certain time in a certain season to really demonstrate His glory in your life. So many people come up to me, and they say, ‘Well, I’m not chosen,’ and I say, ‘Well, you’ve just not learned how to respond. Because the Scriptures tell us that ‘Many are called, but few are chosen.’ So it’s your response to God’s call that qualifies you to be chosen.”

To learn more about how God chooses us and how responding to His call can help determine our destiny, listen to this podcast. {eoa}

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