Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

How to Have a ‘Smart’ Halloween

Today is Halloween. It’s tempting to post about it.

Logic-smart people would expect me to. It’s the logical thing to do. Maybe they’d enjoy hearing the different perspectives on why some Christians don’t have their children participate in the holiday.

Word-smart people might like me to research the history of the word “Halloween.” And, we could read about different candy—how was each invented and named?

People-smart people would enjoy learning how people choose their costumes while getting friends’ reactions while shopping.

Nature-smart people might enjoy stories about how weather affects costume choices and how long children are allowed to be outside going from house to house in inclement weather.

Self-smart people might prefer thought-provoking quotes or poems to reflect upon.

Picture-smart people would enjoy details about unusual costumes and decorated haunted houses.

Music-smart people might enjoy knowing if there are any songs associated with Halloween.

Body-smart people would enjoy thinking about acting out different roles their costumes would require them to play: the happy clown, the old man, the rock star and so on.

Should All 8 Smarts Always be Included?

So, how could I possibly write one blog post about Halloween to please everyone? I probably can’t. Or, maybe I just did (if you’re easy to please).

That’s why I recommend that when teaching one short lesson, we don’t necessarily try to include all eight smarts. We’d have a headache, and so would our children. The content might actually not be taught well. The same thing is true in our writing. We can and should make sure we don’t always teach or write to the same smart. But, including them all isn’t always a good idea.

When we teach a topic over time, we can and should include all eight smarts. And, if our lesson or written work is long enough, we can work to include as many smarts as seems appropriate. Our learners will benefit with greater motivation, learning and ability to apply the ideas.

If you participate in Halloween activities, watch to see how the different smarts show up and influence your thinking and reactions. {eoa}

 Dr. Kathy Koch is the author of Screens & Teens: Connecting with Our Kids in A Wireless World.

This article originally appeared at

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