Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

4 Supernatural Anointings for Women

I believe that God has set forth four key anointings to impart to women of God in this season. All four of these anointings will manifest in the lives of modern-day Esthers, and their influence will expand God’s kingdom in the earth.

An Unshakable Love for God That Will Cause Us to Love Others

In this season God is releasing to women an unshakable love poured out to us from His heart that will enable us to love all people. We are getting ready to experience a surge of revival in the world, and this will cause an influx of people into our lives with whom we may never have come into contact otherwise.

We must let God define what this love looks like. We must set our affections on things above (Col. 3:2). The Holy Spirit will teach us how to love God and how to love one another. Love is not humanistic. We can’t love God any way we want to. We must love Him with all our minds, all our hearts, and all our strength (Mark 12:30). We are coming to a place of affection-based obedience. Jesus said, “If you love Me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15, NKJV).

This love will cause us to be ready to lay down our lives for others. It’s not sloppy agape. True love will break through anything and cause us to see the human in those who have been dehumanized—even those whom we would normally fear or shy away from.

You have the greatest level of influence on a person when they know you love them. They will trust you to speak into their lives. They will trust you to pray for them. They will trust you with their lives. Think about it. When you know that God loves you, you have faith. The Bible says that “faith … worketh by love” (Gal. 5:6, KJV). Personally, knowing God loves me causes me to believe what He says. When you understand how much He loves you and that He will move heaven and earth on your behalf, you will have faith. This is the love that we are designed to display in order to be an influence to those around us.

Supernatural Wisdom to Influence and Disciple Nations

The wisdom I am referring to is not the gift of wisdom, given by the Lord for a particular situation. Rather, I believe He is releasing a supernatural anointing of wisdom, an abiding anointing, that will serve you in every circumstance you are presented with in your own life or the lives of others. God will give you supernatural wisdom for major life decisions. He will give you supernatural wisdom for the person on your job who loves to tell you about their problems, or that millionaire in your circle who doesn’t know what to do about their schizophrenic child.

You may not be one who preaches messages publicly in the pulpit, but you can preach the best message to someone’s life, healing and delivering them through the wisdom of God that flows through you.

This is the same wisdom that Solomon had (1 Kings 4:29). Solomon asked God for supernatural wisdom, and God gave it to him. God will release to you this same anointing for supernatural wisdom. You will know things you aren’t supposed to know, things you haven’t studied or been told. He will give you this wisdom by inspiration. Such wisdom allowed Solomon to be a king, a judge, an inventor and a songwriter (songs penetrate the human heart). This is the same wisdom that was with God when He created the earth. To modern-day Esthers, God will give inventions, cures, books, songs, solutions to problems, words of wisdom and knowledge that has the power to shake nations.

Ask God for supernatural wisdom. James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him” (NKJV). Why not you; why not now?

We need divine wisdom to rest upon us, to fill us up and to pour out of our mouths. Through this wisdom we will bring forth the influence we were designed for.

Uncompromising Boldness to Preach the Gospel

This particular anointing for boldness will cause us to preach the gospel without fear or compromise. It is not so that we can boast and promote ourselves. It is not so that we can build our own kingdoms. This boldness will give us courage to speak the truth of God’s Word wherever we are, to whomever needs to hear the good news. The Bible says that we have a debt to everybody to preach the gospel to them (see Rom. 1:14–15).

The gospel is what fills the empty places in people’s lives. When we speak the truth of the gospel, we crush the windpipe of the devil, who is trying to speak lies to them. He tells them that they are nothing, that they are nobody. When we tell people instead that they are fearfully and wonderfully made, we shut the mouth of the enemy. When we preach the gospel to our children who are confused about who they are, we are putting our foot on the enemy’s neck and crushing it. This is what it means to tread upon scorpions and serpents. The anointing to boldly preach the gospel of Jesus Christ brings the miraculous power of God into dismal situations and increases the influence of God’s kingdom.

An Outbreak of Miraculous Healings, Deliverances, Provision and Salvations

The Lord wants to reach people of all nations and bring them to salvation. He is using women who will operate in resurrection power in places where women have been oppressed. We will be a sign and a wonder to our oppressors (see Isa. 8:18). In many nations women are considered nonthreatening, so the authorities don’t interfere with us and then are often baffled by those who preach in power and authority.

The Lord is empowering women with miraculous power to influence human hearts for the glory of God. He releases miracles to show that He is a loving God who acts on our behalf. Supernatural healing shows God’s compassion, causing many to turn to Him. When Jesus raised the widow’s son from the dead, the people said, “God has come to help his people” (Luke 7:16, NIV).

The power of the Holy Spirit comes to encourage belief in the one true God and validate the message of the messenger. First Thessalonians 1:5-6 (NKJV) says: “For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit and in much assurance, as you know what kind of men we were among you for your sake. And you became followers of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Spirit.”

There are many people today who may never accept the idea of women being preachers, but they won’t be able to deny the hand of the Lord resting upon our lives. God’s hand will empower us to accomplish great healings and deliverances on His behalf. Scores of women with issues of blood, daughters who are dying and other problems need our healing hands in their lives. We must not be hindered by the misleading words of man’s wisdom; we must go forward and manifest the power of God. {eoa}

Excerpted from Chapter 10 of The Esther Anointing by Michelle McClain-Walters (Charisma House 2020).

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