Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

When the Enemy Attacks With Anxiety, Do These Things

Maybe as a minister, I see people a little differently. I think God gives different burdens to different people. My commitment is to see people living the life God created for them. As I have said many times, we were born for a reason. That reason is under attack. Satan does not care about me living any practical everyday life. What concerns the devil is when a Christian starts living a God-designed life.

Working and living in God’s purpose creates satisfaction, peace, contentment and success. Living outside that purpose is a life of continued frustration and minimal success at best. God created us not to be self-centered, but centered on the needs of others. In my show, I desire to expose schemes, problems and issues. I do not want the issue to be the focus, but the issue must be discussed in order for it to be reconciled.

I just held a great interview with Nelson Alsup about the rise of anxiety and fear in our current, disturbing time. We discussed how anxiety can trigger depression and how to handle this in a healthy way.

I love to talk about the subject of depression because I suffered with it for so long. It is a disease that is difficult to understand unless you have lived it. But it is a disease that is entirely curable. I will openly discuss anything that is causing us distraction, hindrance or harm.

I focus on the problem so I can focus on setting people free to be all God created them to be. My burden is for people. I do not want to see people hurt, nor do I want to see people deceived. I want to see people free, happy and living fully as children of the King of kings.

I hope and pray that my podcast will bring to light a lot of practical issues and give people real answers. That is why I discuss tough things like depression, pastor burnout, schemes of the enemy, the dysfunctional family and many other challenging issues.

Historically, times of peace and prosperity were preceded by a war. The purpose of the war was always to defeat the enemy and bring peace. Perhaps that is why I hope this episode of Self Talk on the Charisma Podcast Network will help defeat the enemy and bring peace and joy to as many people as possible. {eoa}

Dr. Ray Self is the president of the International College of Ministry and the author of Redeeming Your Past and Finding Your Promised Land and Hear His Voice Be His Voice. Both books are available at Amazon.com. Be sure to like, subscribe and download Self Talk. Take a look at his college website at icmcollege.org for a free degree assessment and the study now and enroll later program.

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