Dr. Ray Self

  • The Miracle of Yadkin County

    The Miracle of Yadkin County

    In this stirring episode, Dr. Ray Self interviews Pastor Keith Pavansky about how his county became a sanctuary for the unborn. First Dr. Ray discusses this fantastic story with the man who was the driving force for his county to be a place where unborn children are safe from abortion. Then Pastor Keith shares the

  • Understanding the Prophetic Gift

    Understanding the Prophetic Gift

    Other than the gift of tongues, no gift in the Bible has been more controversial and caused more confusion and disagreement. Yet God calls all Christians to desire this gift and even covet this gift (1 Cor. 14:1; 39). So why is it so controversial? Why is it often dismissed? In Christian ministry, Satan will

  • The Christian Response to Toxic People

    The Christian Response to Toxic People

    Almost everyone has been involved with or experienced a toxic relationship at some point in their life. You may be in a toxic relationship right now that has affected you adversely. There are many misunderstandings about the Christian response in such situations. I was raised in a conservative, Christian home. I was taught to turn

  • How to Deal With the Religious Spirit

    How to Deal With the Religious Spirit

    To be spiritual is not a problem, but using religion without love and mercy to enforce rules against another person can enter into abusive territory. This is when the religious spirit is most evident. In Episode 39 of my show Self Talk With Dr. Ray Self, I discuss the cruel religious spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:6

  • It’s Time for Believers to Put on the Full Armor of God—And Go to Battle

    It’s Time for Believers to Put on the Full Armor of God—And Go to Battle

    Jesus warned us about these days. The apostle Paul warned us that we are not battling against flesh and blood. It has never been more evident that we are in a spiritual battle against evil forces coming against our beloved country. It is up to Spirit-filled Christians to take authority and use the weapons and

  • How You Can Thwart the Enemy’s Schemes and Step Into Your Promised Land

    How You Can Thwart the Enemy’s Schemes and Step Into Your Promised Land

    When you listen to Self Talk on the Charisma Podcast Network, you will hear that I talk about a variety of topics. This is because the Lord puts different things on my heart. Every issue is always for the benefit of the listener. I know I cannot be all things to all people, but I

  • What Happens When You Want Real Answers for Real Issues?

    What Happens When You Want Real Answers for Real Issues?

    People need help. So many people struggle through life handicapped by various issues. These problems cause much pain and heartache. God said in His Word we should focus on other’s needs (Phil. 2:3-4). However, it is difficult to be available to other people when we are crippled by personal pain. I believe the Lord equipped

  • How a Radical Holy Spirit Encounter Can Form Your Identity

    How a Radical Holy Spirit Encounter Can Form Your Identity

    For much of my life, I struggled with self-esteem. When I was young, I would play various roles that I thought would allow me to fit in. None of these roles reflected who I was, but they did serve a purpose. I could be the cool guy to catch the girls. I could be the

  • What This Spirit-Filled Author Learned From His Family Dysfunction

    What This Spirit-Filled Author Learned From His Family Dysfunction

    Self Talk with Dr. Ray Self covers a lot of issues for the same purpose: Dr. Ray has the heart to see people become all that God created them to be. Satan schemes against God’s people to keep them from functioning in their creative design, but Jesus said the Spirit of the Lord God would

  • When the Enemy Attacks With Anxiety, Do These Things

    When the Enemy Attacks With Anxiety, Do These Things

    Maybe as a minister, I see people a little differently. I think God gives different burdens to different people. My commitment is to see people living the life God created for them. As I have said many times, we were born for a reason. That reason is under attack. Satan does not care about me

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