Sat. Mar 22nd, 2025

God wants you to know His
purpose for your life. My entire life changed when I discovered this one truth:
The destiny of my life is hinged upon understanding God’s eternal
purpose, which He unveiled to man through His sacrificial love.

I was not
aware of this powerful truth, despite the fact that I had finished my graduate
studies in theology, including rewriting the 500 cardinal doctrines of the
church for my thesis. Through my studies, I had learned how to investigate the
great truths of the Bible and thought I knew something about almost every
doctrine. I prided myself on my attempts to be an exegetical theologian,
pastoring and carefully teaching the Word in Bible colleges for 17

However, it wasn’t until after I received the baptism of the Holy
Spirit, which brought me into a greater relationship with the divine teacher,
that I discovered the great truth of the critical importance of understanding
God’s eternal purpose.

Truth has the incredible power to free man of
despair, hopelessness and a meaningless existence, and to create in him a sense
of destiny and purpose that can motivate him to greatness. Jesus said of
Himself, “I am … the truth” (John14:6, NKJV). To believe in Jesus involves
receiving the truth of His teachings and allowing them to change your thinking,
your values and your behavior.

The words of the devil—the lies that are
working in your life to destroy you—are only exposed as they are contrasted with
truth. In the light of truth, those lies lose their seductive power, and you are
set free from destruction.

Freedom is the scriptural promise to all who
walk in truth, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”
(John 8:32). That promise gives each of us hope to become the person God
intended us to be as we walk in His truth.

If you want to know real
meaning and purpose in your life, your home and your church, it is necessary
that you pursue God’s truth. God’s eternal purpose will be realized in your
individual life, in your home and ultimately in the church as you are conformed
to the image of Christ through the working of the Holy Spirit in you.

you are to fully understand God’s purpose for you, you will need to cultivate a
relationship with the Holy Spirit. Learn to understand who He is. Cooperate with
Him as He works to fulfill God’s purpose for mankind and in your


Adapted from From Our Hearts to Yours copyright 2008 and
published by Charisma House. This book will help you discover just how much God
loves you just as you are—with all your faults and shortcomings, and even your
secret sins that only He knows about. This book brings you messages of hope
written by amazing women to help deepen your relationship with God and make you
a better mother, wife and friend. To order a copy click on this link.

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