Thu. Mar 27th, 2025

Have you ever felt paralyzed trying to make a big life decision—like what job to take, where to move or who to date—because you were terrified of missing God’s will? You’re not alone.

In a recent Becoming Something podcast episode, Jonathan Pokluda and his co-hosts tackled this exact issue, offering refreshing clarity in a world obsessed with finding the “perfect path.”

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Their message? Stop obsessing over the “what” and “where,” and start focusing on the “how” and “why.”

God’s will isn’t some hidden treasure buried beneath layers of anxiety and decision trees. As JP shares through Scripture and personal stories, God cares more about how we live—faithfully, joyfully, obediently—than exactly where we go or what job title we land.

Whether you’re in Manhattan or Waco, Texas, God can use you right where you are. If both options in front of you are moral and not sinful, take a step. Flip a coin if you have to. God’s not going to let you miss His will if your heart is seeking Him.

One powerful takeaway: you can’t expect to hear from God about your future if you’re ignoring what He’s already told you in His Word.

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If you’re living in unrepentant sin or walking in disobedience, you’re going to miss the still, small voice that often leads us. But if you’re walking in faith, even when the path isn’t clear, you can trust that He’ll make your steps straight.

If you’re a young adult wrestling with big life decisions, stop stressing and start listening to this episode. The wisdom, laughs and stories (including a possible angel encounter at a Burger King!) will encourage you to walk in freedom and faith.

Check out the full episode of Becoming Something, you won’t regret it.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.

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