Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

Why Are So Many Christians Sick and Oppressed?


Sickness and disease touch almost every family on the earth. Many sick people are spending all their substance on remedies, diets, medications and doctors but are becoming worse each day. I believe the reason why more Christians do not receive their healing is because of lack of knowledge and obedience.

They just don’t understand or know what the Word of God says about what Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross of Calvary purchased for them. Other Christians simply do not know how to pray and worship God. Others have a hard time obeying God’s principles for divine healing. It is estimated that at least 80 percent of people in America are Christians. Yet the percentage of sick people is about the same as non-Christians who don’t believe in Jesus, our healer. 

I frequently hear sick people say, “I’m not sure if it is God’s will to heal me. If only I knew. Maybe I’m supposed to be sick to keep me humble or build up my faith.” When God’s Word promises healing in the new covenant, we should not be asking or saying, “If it be Your will.” This implies a lack of faith.

Doubt and unbelief are deadly—they kill your faith, and without faith you will never obtain the promises that are legally yours. Be watchful over your heart, and diligently guard what you allow to come into your life. Each person you allow into your life will plant seeds, just as the Pharisees did in the lives of the disciples. If Satan can cause a seed of doubt and unbelief to be planted in your life, he is on his way to stealing your faith. If the enemy can steal your faith, he can steal everything in your life and everything God has predestined for you. A lifestyle of doubt says to God that He is a liar and cannot be trusted.

Doubt and unbelief will prevent you from obtaining the prosperity that God declares is yours. Choose not to fall into the trap of the enemy, and choose to believe God, no matter what. He is your healer and deliverer (Matt. 21:21; 13:58).

Your Healing Is Guaranteed!

Jesus Christ gave His life as a sacrifice. Isaiah 53 assures us that Christ took upon Himself all our grief, sorrows, pain, affliction, transgressions, iniquities and all our sins. By His scourging, by His wounds and by His death and resurrection, we are healed. Everything in God’s kingdom you receive by faith. Without faith, you can’t receive. You receive healing the same way you receive salvation. You confess it and believe it in your heart. It’s our divine, born-again birthright (inheritance, entitlement, legacy and privilege). Don’t settle for less than God’s best for you.

What is the thing you’ve been battling for so long? You have a choice to make—to either stay in the same situation or decide to turn your situation over to God and dare to believe Him for a miraculous healing and transformation. It’s your faith in action that will start moving out the evil squatters. It’s your move.

Regardless of your circumstances, Abba Father is ready to meet you exactly where you are right now. All God needs is your faith to believe that He is willing to heal you. Faith is trust. When you trust someone, you love and respect the person. Father God is the same way with us.

He loves us unconditionally. When we surrender to His love and obey His Word, He produces. His gifts are extremely valuable and priceless. You don’t have to make sacrifices and quote Scriptures day and night.

Scriptures and declarations will build up your faith and teach you how to stay in contact and relationship with your healer and Savior. There is something unique about declaring God’s Word. It puts angels on the alert and causes evil spirits to flee. Evil spirits cannot trespass when our spiritual borders are reinforced with prayers and the Word of God.

Really think about this. It is life transforming. When you deposit God’s Word into your heart and mind, it becomes a lifeline and health to all your body. I quote and take literally Proverbs 4:20–22 every day because I believe God is the Word and He is life!

Your prayers and declarations of God’s Word are not to move the hand of God on your behalf but to strengthen your inner man and build up your faith. God is moved by compassion and love. All we have to do is surrender to His will, obey His Word and love one another.

Iris Delgado is founder and president of Crowned With Purpose Ministries. She has a doctorate in theology and counseling and travels worldwide ministering with her husband, John. She is the author of Satan, You Can’t Have My Miracle, from which this article was excerpted.

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