Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

One of the men who attended the prayer meeting was a Jewish believer, so out of curiosity Roth decided to check it out.

“I actually gave them a hard time, questioning everything they said and ridiculing their faith,” he admits.

One day, the Jewish believer stopped by Roth’s office and challenged him as to the source of his supernatural powers: “The God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob is not pleased with your involvement in mind control. He condemns all New Age occult practices, and if God condemns these practices, guess where your supernatural power is coming from?”

The question frightened Roth enough that he began to search for an answer. Could there be a devil, and could he be the source behind his power? He sought advice from one of the top instructors of mind control in the country, but was told there was no such thing as evil. But Roth’s fear and uncertainty as to the source of his power continued to grow.

One day he kept getting flashes from his past life of all the bad things he had done. Going to bed that night with a mezuzah around his neck and a Bible under his pillow, an overwhelming sense of terror enveloped him.

“For the first time in my life, the nothingness of death looked better than continuing my tortured existence,” Roth explained. Terrified, hopeless and not wanting to live anymore, he cried out, “Jesus, help!”

“The next thing I knew it was morning,” he says. “My bedroom was flooded with the tangible presence of God. Every cell in my body was invigorated with His life. The fear was gone! The counselor was gone! And in their place was peace and indescribable joy. I instantly knew that Jesus was responsible and that there was greater power in His name than in all the forces of darkness that were trying to destroy me!”

Roth also knew without a doubt that Jesus was the Messiah and that he had received the gift of everlasting life. Then he says he heard the audible voice of God telling him to return to his wife and daughter. This supernatural experience with the Messiah transformed Roth’s thinking and his purpose for living.

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