Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Prophetic Minister: Embrace Our Unstoppable God

There are unstoppable breakthroughs coming to your life because, as a believer, you belong to an unstoppable God. He is bringing you:

— Unstoppable love.

— Unstoppable grace.

— Unstoppable restoration.

— Unstoppable healing.

— Unstoppable provision.

— Unstoppable promotion.

— Unstoppable victory.

— Unstoppable growth.

— Unstoppable freedom.

— Unstoppable abundance.

— Unstoppable favor.

— Unstoppable destiny.

No matter what difficulties and pain you have walked through in life, or are currently walking through, you don’t have to remain a victim. You can thrive in the future that God has for you.

The reality is that there are some things in our lives we can’t fix in our own power. Only our all-powerful God can bring the freedom, healing and provision we need to experience breakthrough. Wherever God’s presence and glory are found, all limitations fall away, and all hindrances are removed.

There are times when breakthrough is instant and dramatic. I love those breakthroughs! I’ve experienced them many times, and I encourage you to believe God for them. But I’ve also discovered that sometimes breakthrough doesn’t look like that. When you call to God for help, He won’t always immediately change your situation.

This doesn’t mean He’s not working. It doesn’t mean He’s not moving in your life. There are times when God doesn’t deliver you out of something but instead takes you through it as He sustains and strengthens you. When He brings you through, you come out on the other side filled with more Christlikeness, more faith, more love, more humility, more holiness, more vision, more authority and more power. You will no longer be beaten down and broken, but your inner spirit will be restored and made strong to move forward in His eternal purposes.

In whatever way God chooses to perform His will and bring our breakthrough, it is irresistible.

No power that rises against it can hinder it.

No force that resists it can overcome it.

No failure on our part can cancel it.

No plan of the enemy can stop it.

When you understand that you serve a God whose promises and purposes will all be fulfilled—and who loves you deeply—then you can step into the stream of His unstoppable life and experience all the blessings He has for you.

Preorder Matt’s new book, God’s Unstoppable Breakthrough at And tune into this episode of Glory Living with Matt Sorger titled God’s Unstoppable Breakthrough Part 1 on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

Matt Sorger is a prophetic minister who carries a unique anointing that fills entire rooms with the tangible glory of God, with many saved, healed, set free and filled with God’s presence. Matt is a strong preacher and teacher of God’s word, mentoring and equipping the body of Christ to live in the realm of God’s power and glory. He has impacted the globe ministering in over 35 nations and has reached over 200 nations by television and media. Matt and his wife, Stephanie, oversee Rescue1, rescuing children from trafficking around the world. Their vision is to see at least 1,500 children set free.

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