I just returned from my eighth trip to the beautiful country of Ethiopia. The people of this biblically historic and significant nation are a warm, loving people—very open to the gospel.
Our trip spanned 10 days and we took a total of 91 travelers on this trip.
Our first stop was to the small city of Axum. The history of this ancient city goes back in time to the Queen of Sheba who used to live there. The ruins of her palace have been partially excavated and in the process they discovered a tunnel that is 10 feet high and 10 feet wide and almost a hundred miles in length that leads all the way out to the Red Sea.

Photo courtesy of Marilyn Hickey Ministries
The Queen of Sheba had a son with Solomon named Menelek. According to the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and Government, Solomon gave him the real Ark of the Covenant and put a replica of it in the Holy of Holies. It’s supposedly in Axum in an unassuming, small church. We saw the building where this ark was kept but obviously did not see that actual piece.
The Ethiopian people are Orthodox believers meaning they are baptized as babies into the faith. They honor the Ark of the Covenant in all of their churches. We saw replicas of it in the center of their worship, in necklaces they wear and in their native art.
The next place we went was Lalibela where the Rock-Hewn Churches are. This is a very rocky area where, in the 11th Century, the people carved 11 churches three stories high down into the rock by hand. We climbed down to one of them and met with one of the priests. The people depend on the priests to interpret the Bible for them so most people do not have Bibles to read on their own because they think they would not understand what it says. Sadly, many of the priests do not have Bibles to read and teach from. My heart really goes out to the Ethiopian people—they must have Bibles in their language!

Photo courtesy of Marilyn Hickey Ministries
We returned to Addis Ababa and I had a very pleasant meeting with the President of Ethiopia. We had a warm conversation and he requested a copy of my book Breaking the Generational Curse which we have in Amharic.

Photo courtesy of Marilyn Hickey Ministries
That evening, we had our first speaking event which was at the Beza International Church in Addis Ababa where my daughter, Sarah Bowling, spoke to over 500 ministers and leaders.
The next day we enjoyed some time of outreach with Project Mercy, a community development organization. We were blessed to provide them with a donation to help them continue their outreach projects.
That evening approximately 3,000 people packed into the church for our first healing meeting. There were several healings, baptisms in the Holy Spirit and salvations.
The next morning we spoke again at the church to a very receptive crowd. Again there were many healings and salvations.
The highlight of the trip for me was working with our guide in Lalibela. He was the guide to President George W. and Laura Bush when they were visiting many years ago and he was also featured on the program about the Rock-Hewn Churches that aired on the History Channel. He told me how he does not read the Bible because he can’t interpret it. He asked how I interpret the Bible. I was thrilled to share with him that I have the best interpreter of all—the Holy Spirit. I went on to explain the book of Acts and how I had been filled with the Spirit and how I pray in tongues. I invited him to have dinner with me and my team, but he left right after the meal so he missed out on me sharing about being spirit-filled. The Lord told me to talk to him again the next day. In the van on the way to the airport, he shared how he felt dry in his heart. He said he needed the power of the Holy Spirit and prayed the prayer of salvation right then and there. He also received the gift of speaking in tongues! I was able to give him a Bible in English and have sent him one in his native language of Amharic. I told him that Jesus is in every book of the Bible and he said, “I think He is on every page!”

Photo courtesy of Marilyn Hickey Ministries
I believe that all eyes and countries in Africa are on Ethiopia. All of the major meetings for the African nations are being held in Addis Ababa and God has a very special place for Ethiopia at this end time. I believe they are going to be used uniquely and know if we can be a blessing to Ethiopia, we will be a blessing to the entire continent of Africa.