Mon. Mar 17th, 2025

Stop Saying “Good” People Shouldn’t Suffer!

One of the most common questions I have been asked, as a professional counselor and spiritual mentor is, “Why does God allow good people to suffer?” I usually begin to answer this question by challenging them as to who is creating this scale that determines a good and bad person. What types of behaviors cause someone to cross the line of being “bad” and thereby deserving of suffering? Is it one sin? Twenty? One hundred? Jesus settled this argument when dealing with the Pharisees, as they presented Him with the adulterous woman and wanted Him to judge her. Jesus replied by saying, “Let the man with no sin throw the first stone.”

There are many reasons people suffer in this life. But the measure of their suffering is simply not based on their good or bad behaviors, nor is it even based on whether they are following Christ or not. The truth is, this world is cursed, broken and a dark place, under the constant influence of demonic forces tempting and corrupting the flesh of Christians and non-believers alike. Sometimes people will suffer due to the pain inflicted upon them by someone with malice or evil intent.

Others will become wounded and suffer by the completely innocent and unintentional offenses that can happen just by interacting with people. And some will suffer from their environment or circumstances, such as having a fatal disease or a lack of food or inadequate housing. And then there are those who will suffer due to their own choices in life: drugs, alcohol, sex addictions or gambling. These are just a few examples of why people suffer.

To live free from spiritual bondage and protect yourself from mental and emotional turmoil, you must align your mind with Christ and look to His example to properly answer this age-old question of “Why does God allow suffering?” As we look to the life of Jesus, I think there are two important aspects of suffering that will transform our minds and attitudes to be a little more like His. First is that if we study all the ways Jesus suffered in His time here on the earth, we know it was not an easy life for Him. But Jesus’ suffering had significant and history-changing purpose.

Second is to acknowledge that Father God is greatly grieved by our suffering. Imagine the immense pain it caused Him to watch Jesus suffer. Like any parent, when we see our children suffer, it hurts us more than if we were being afflicted ourselves. This is how our Heavenly Father feels about our pain. The real question you should be asking is, “Would He allow me to suffer in similar ways as Jesus in order that kingdom destinies would be birthed and sovereign plans would come into place?” Suffering will happen in this life but if you learn to experience it through a kingdom perspective, you will find freedom and healing in many areas of your life; and then it can be a testimony to transform the lives of others. To learn more, you can tune in to this episode. {eoa}

Dr. Jessica Rothmeyer was a professional counselor for 20 years before transitioning to her new ministry, Kingdom Mindset, which offers advisory services, training materials and seminars. It is her mission to establish kingdom mindset standards in all nations, releasing transformation through God’s Word to individuals, healing practitioners and influencers globally. Check out her latest book, It Time for a Revolution.

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