Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

How You Can Discover God’s Prosperity in the Midst of a Pandemic

Don Pickney realizes that the midst of a pandemic is not the optimum time or season for a pastor to teach on prosperity. But then, Pickney says, he does not have a stereotypical teaching on the subject.

The author of A Prosperity Phenomenon: A Revelation of the Day of Jehovah, says an economy in shambles and staggering unemployment in the middle of COVID-19 could very well represent God’s agenda to transfer the immense wealth of the world into the hands of those who serve Him. And this idea can bring you a renewed sense of hope during this time of global turmoil.

“Interestingly, the concept of this book is not so much the typical blessing of God’s people that many ministries and Christians try to reach out for,” Pickney, pastor of Word of Faith Community of Believers’ Church in Scottsdale, Arizona, told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network.

“Rather, it is God taking charge at the very end of this age to bring a blessing to the church. It is actually called in Isaiah 61, verse two, ‘a vengeance to comfort,’ for all who mourn in Zion to give them beautiful ashes. So, it’s not your typical prosperity where the nation prospers.

“It is actually just the opposite. It is God bringing a shaking to the nations and dismantling their power and bringing to light a blessing from God out of that. So, if it’s ‘a vengeance to comfort,’ it means the vengeance has to come to bring the comfort. In Isaiah 61, when he begins to talk about that, he leads us into a great time of prosperity for the church, but he describes it as a coming out of ‘the shaking of the nations,’ which we see happening right now with COVID. Every home, every church, every part of society, every level of society … So, this COVID-19 period is actually very interesting that it is happening right now. Literally, this is the greatest shaking I believe in the world has ever seen in modern times, perhaps since the flood.”

For more about Pickney’s insights into this prosperity phenomenon, listen to the entire podcast. {eoa}

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