Thu. Mar 27th, 2025

Prior to the fall, Adam and Eve were led by the Spirit of God. They had physical senses of taste, touch, smell, hear and sight. Yet they did not make decisions based upon these senses. They were led by the Holy Spirit and they saw only the goodness of creation. Then came that fateful day; the serpent pointed out the tree with a direct question: “Did not God say?”

Then when Eve looked at the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, she saw that it was good. She then caused Adam to look at the fruit and thus death through sin entered the world. That was a defining moment in human history; it was at that moment that mankind started making decisions not from God’s perspective but from what they saw. This is what to be carnally minded really is; to be ruled by what we see, hear, feel, taste, touch and experience in this physical world. This causes us to make decisions not based upon the Spirit of God but rather in reaction to what we perceive by our physical senses.

God created Adam and Eve to be in dominion over the world and its physical realities but through the knowledge of good and evil, we became subjected to the world. Where in the garden Adam had walked freely among animals without fear, after the fall we became afraid of those same animals. Now when we walk among animals, we arm ourselves with weapons because we now know the evil side of animals and that a bear can kill with one swipe of its paw. Instead of being dominant over this world, we are now subject to it and have victim mindsets.

Our physical knowledge through science has now increased immensely. So it is that through science and technology, we have learned of the existence of a microscopic world of viruses and bacteria and have become fearful of them. Science is the study of the physical world through observation (sight) and experimentation. Yet we are to be led by the Holy Spirit, not by sight. Being led by the Spirit is how we regain dominion over the physical world and start experiencing the victory that Jesus won for us in all areas of our lives.

One day I was sitting on the patio of a restaurant when a man walked up to me and asked to sit down and talk. I went to shake his hand but he clumsily grabbed my hand with his left hand. That is when I noticed a stitched gash on the palm of his right hand. As an example of how we are controlled by what we see, listen to the episode Don’t Bite the Apple to hear what happened to this man’s hand and to learn how not to walk by sight but rather to walk by faith. {eoa}

Tony Myers is the founder of Outside the 4 Walls Ministry. He is the author of The Lord Jesus Healed Me, Journey of an atheist to the Truth, Unlocking the Mystery of Divine Healing, Divine Healing DIY, Yes You Can, Knocking Food off its Pedestal and Pushing the Boundaries in Christ, Living Supernaturally. His website is

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