Tony Myers

  • The Lord Is My Shepherd and the Feast Is Already Prepared

    The Lord Is My Shepherd and the Feast Is Already Prepared

    A friend of mine loves Taco Bell’s nacho fries. They have these fries available only for short periods of time. May 18 was the last day the fries will be available this season. My friend went in to savor his precious fries for what would probably be the last time for a few months. He

  • When the Lord Is Your Shepherd, You Already Have the Miracles You Seek

    When the Lord Is Your Shepherd, You Already Have the Miracles You Seek

    A friend of mine loves Taco Bell’s nacho fries. They only have these fries available for short periods of time. May 18, 2022, was the last day of the fries for this season. My friend went in to savor his precious fries for what would probably be the last time for a few months. He

  • The Recipe for the Power of Christ to Work Through You

    The Recipe for the Power of Christ to Work Through You

    On July 4, 2021, I was in Brooklyn, New York, speaking at a healing service. I had not slept the night before, I could barely breathe, and I had sharp pains in my chest. Here I was, a healing minister at a healing service and feeling like death warmed over! I stood up before the

  • The Explosive Moments That Lead Into the Miraculous

    The Explosive Moments That Lead Into the Miraculous

    Last year I received a telephone call from a person who had COVID-19 and was struggling to breathe. She wasn’t in the hospital, but she was physically struggling. Using my drill instructor’s voice, with authority, I commanded her to run to her front door, touch the door and run back. She obeyed. When she picked

  • Why Do Believers Hesitate and Struggle to Speak in Tongues?

    Why Do Believers Hesitate and Struggle to Speak in Tongues?

    My introduction to the religion of Christianity, like many people, was through a church. I entered a church and was immediately introduced into a world that confused me and even rubbed me the wrong way. I walked in and the members were speaking gibberish (in tongues). The service itself was OK, but nothing worth remembering.

  • The Mystery of Paul’s Thorn Revealed

    The Mystery of Paul’s Thorn Revealed

    While I was paralyzed and dying from Lou Gehrig’s disease, from time to time when I was in the mood, the church van would show up to get me to the church. They would literally lift me into the vehicle. On one such trip, I was told about Paul’s thorn in the flesh. This was

  • Don’t Bite the Apple

    Don’t Bite the Apple

    Prior to the fall, Adam and Eve were led by the Spirit of God. They had physical senses of taste, touch, smell, hear and sight. Yet they did not make decisions based upon these senses. They were led by the Holy Spirit and they saw only the goodness of creation. Then came that fateful day;

  • Stop Being Robbed!

    Stop Being Robbed!

    On the battlefield, focus is everything. Your focus must be on your immediate surroundings and on the enemy that is right in front of you, not on their leader thousands of miles away. If as a soldier you are focused on getting to their leader, then the enemy in front of you will sneak in

  • Choose to Be Healed

    Choose to Be Healed

    Healing came so easily in the days of the gospel. A person would touch Jesus’ garment and be healed. The leper approached Jesus and said, “I know You can, but will You heal me?” Two seconds later he was healed. The man born blind wasn’t looking for Jesus, yet Jesus healed him. What is the

  • Be a Worker of Miracles

    Be a Worker of Miracles

    Have you ever locked your keys in the car? Ever been late for an appointment? We take these annoying circumstances as unavoidable, a part of this life. When we reap the consequences due to our lack of planning or absentmindedness, our human reasoning says we have to suffer the consequences even for our innocent mistakes.

  • Intimacy With the Holy Spirit

    Intimacy With the Holy Spirit

    Do you feel the desire to be more intimate with God? An overwhelming majority of believers have that desire, yet feel they’ve fallen short of that goal. Here’s one of the reasons why: “Holy Spirit, we invite You to come and enter our service.” We hear this a lot in any corporate worship service. There

  • Sickness-Slaying Righteousness

    Sickness-Slaying Righteousness

    Several years ago, I was sitting in a restaurant. A woman approached me and asked why I had blue hair. I started giving her my testimony of how I had been healed from Lou Gehrig’s disease. This sweet, older woman then became enraged; she said that her friend had died from Lou Gehrig’s disease but,

  • Positioning Yourself on the Path to Healing

    Positioning Yourself on the Path to Healing

    Two weeks after being healed from Lou Gehrig’s disease, I was laying on the floor at six in the morning, curled up in a fetal position in tremendous pain. The pain had started around 9 pm the night before. I was scheduled to give my testimony at a halfway house later that morning. As the

  • Raised From a Wheelchair and Healed from Terminal Lou Gehrig’s Disease (1 of 2)

    Raised From a Wheelchair and Healed from Terminal Lou Gehrig’s Disease (1 of 2)

    Healing testimonies are crucial aids for others to acknowledge their own miracles. There are the obvious reasons why testimonies encourage those in desperate circumstances. They provide hope to the hopeless; that others in similar circumstances, with the help of the Holy Spirit, have overcome and come out of the desert into the land of milk

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