Sat. Mar 22nd, 2025

Many women go through life wounded and broken. But no matter the source of the hurt, Christ can repair the damage

grew up around a lot of negative lifestyles. For years as a child, I
experienced grief, abandonment, abuse and homelessness. Some people
think that if you ignore past hurts, they will just go away. But the
anger and the core feelings that are born in an abusive environment can
strangle an individual’s emotional and developmental growth.

women have had to deal with the kind of mistreatment that was intended
to control and subjugate them. Abuse of any kind breeds fear and damages
the soul, made up of the mind, will and emotions. Ill-treatment
devalues a woman and wears down her self-respect.

Too many women who are believers in Jesus Christ are still unable to
walk in authority and dominion. Instead they are struggling with
depression, identity issues and diminished self-esteem.

God has
predetermined that you and I are to be conformed to the image of His
Son. We must receive our true identity from Christ.

adjustments and changes that constitute your spiritual growth won’t come
about easily. But the more you affirm who you are in Him, the more your
behavior will begin to reflect your true nature and identity.

self-image is made up of what you think about your life—how you
perceive your intellectual ability, emotional stability, temperament and
ability to love. It includes your powerful imagination, reasoning
skills and level of confidence in your ability to influence others.

damaged self-image can set up a person to accept and expect abusive
treatment from others. But this does not need to happen. The damaged
soul can be repaired.

We can learn to take responsibility for
dealing with the self-defeating habits, addictions and behaviors in our
lives. These things do not have to stunt our psychological growth,
arrest our personal development and sabotage our ability to successfully
manage our lives as adults.

The psalmist David wrote: “He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake” (Ps. 23:3,
NKJV). Deliverance from the power of darkness and the dominion of sin
begins the restoration process. Reconciliation with God through Jesus
Christ imparts to us forgiveness and freedom from guilt.

It was
my relationship with God that opened the door for radical change in my
life and in my understanding of the meaning of life itself. But choosing
to take this first step and trust God was difficult for me. Before I
discovered that I needed to deal with me first, I was looking for
answers and seeking to understand what was wrong with everyone else.

recognize the temptation to attribute every bad situation to demonic
activity. But we have all had supernatural attacks against us that
exploited our weaknesses. In my life, years of religious and emotional
abuse eventually escalated to domestic violence.

Unfortunately, I
made the mistake of not discussing the abuse with anyone. Demonic
forces target our secrets. I had to admit there was a problem before God
could break this cycle in my life. I chose to walk in His truth and
made my emotional health a priority.

When we experience God’s
merciful forgiveness toward us, it demands that we forgive others. I had
to forgive the hurtful people in my life. When I forgave them, I was
released from their mental control. Then I became empowered to begin the
process of confronting the lingering effects of abuse on my own

Blaming others for the problems we face won’t resolve
them. Neither will making light of them nor denying their existence. In
order to cut to the core of your troubling situations, you must be
equipped by the Holy Spirit to function with accurate and balanced
discernment as you exercise your spiritual authority.

The things
that happened to me were real. Yet, because of the reality of
redemption, neither the sins that were committed against me nor the sins
I’ve committed have any legal right to make demands on my mind, my will
or my emotions today.

are most often considered to be highly intuitive and emotional. The
adversary will use these attributes, along with everything else in his
arsenal, to hinder you from coming into the full power of God.

your thoughts can be easily influenced, you must be discerning as to
the source of them. Once thoughts are conceived, they can take on a life
of their own.

Through Christ, we come to know the power of God
and are able to begin using our spiritual authority to break the
bondages over our souls. You and I have the responsibility and power to
process our painful memories, control our emotions and purify our

As the apostle Paul wrote: “For though we walk in the
flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare
are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong
holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth
itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every
thought to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor. 10:3-5, KJV).

need only to reflect on the scene between Eve and the serpent in the
garden in order to see how important it is to gain control over your
thought life (see Gen. 3:1-24). Thinking precedes and determines conduct. Therefore, controlling your thinking is a choice you must make.

is the power to choose that will keep us on course as individuals. The
ability to make wise and proper choices requires prayer, reasoning and
experience. Our rational, human nature includes our ability to judge, to
deliberate and exercise our free will. But if the will is controlled by
anyone other than the Holy Spirit, it is not free.

An intimate,
ongoing relationship with the great Shepherd is vital to achieving
restoration. To be restored requires faith and the willingness to act on
God’s Word. And it results in rest and refreshment for your mind and
your body.

Some people think faith, wishing and hoping are all
the same. But with this concept, we would be expected to muster up
enough mental power to achieve the things we desire.

But true
faith means faith in God. Since God is unlimited in His power, it
eliminates our need to compromise or make excuses. Our faith is based on
God’s character and His truth not on our emotions or ourselves.

you must be an active participant in your spiritual recovery. Since
prayer is the expression of your faith, a committed prayer life is
essential. Preparation for the warfare of life requires that you make a
conscious decision to deal with self. Spiritual change will also require
repentance and a continual renewing of the mind by the Word of God (see
Rom. 12:2) and commitment to a consecrated lifestyle.

confronts your fears and feelings of inadequacy and insecurity.
“Casting down imaginations” means invalidating those negative thoughts,
images and disqualifying statements about yourself that are inconsistent
with the Word of God—with who God says you are. In the process of
restoration you learn to follow the Holy Spirit’s direction and
cooperate with Him.

When memories surface that may have caused
you incredible emotional or physical damage, you can set boundaries that
will enable you to maintain a sense of your true identity, which God
has defined.

have dominion over your mind requires unrelenting warfare. But you
alone are responsible for your actions. I have made it a personal goal
to challenge my mind, to continually learn new things and exercise
discipline over my mind, will and emotions.

The apostle Peter tells us: “Desire the pure milk of the word that you may grow (1 Pet. 2:2, NKJV). Perpetual spiritual infancy is unnatural. But infancy must pass on into maturity by means of orderly development.

the mind by the Word is a spiritual discipline which, when practiced
consistently, produces a certain mental attitude where the mind begins
to rid itself of negative thinking patterns. Unless your mind is
continually being renewed by the Word, your soul remains hostile to God,
challenging His authority and engaging in open warfare against Him.

battle for your mind, will and emotions is won by the Word of God. The
extraordinary experience of revelation knowledge happens when the mind
apprehends the will of God and allows the impartation of new spiritual
principles, thereby, encouraging new desires, inspiring new hopes and
establishing new goals.

God wants to demonstrate His power and
presence in and through your life. With a mind renewed by the Word, you
can learn how to release greater spiritual authority in the face of

A renewed mind is a major part of the soul’s
prosperity (see 3 John 2). God imparts His truth to us through His
eternal decrees and brings to maturity the many components of the soul’s
expression under the authority of His Word.

characterizes a person who rightly exercises righteous authority as
“the repairer of the breach” and “the restorer of paths to dwell in” (Is. 58:12,
KJV). Taking back control means redefining and rebuilding your
relationship with God so that your thoughts and beliefs are no longer
being dominated by the memory of a traumatic event, by societal
restraints or religious pressures.

It is always possible for a
damaged life to become productive again. God is able to meet your needs
and support you through your trials.

Don’t be deceived about your
dominion and authority in the spirit realm. Remember, God can take a
woman with the worst possible background and use her for His glory. You
have a battle to fight and a work to do in raising up the foundations
for the generations to come.

God expects you to actively work
toward your restoration, then work to rebuild the old waste places and
bring others to a state of soundness as well. If you put off action, you
will delay your progress.

This is your time to rediscover the
real you. You are not a fabrication of someone else’s reality. You are
an authentic worshiper, a woman who is able to enter into the secret
place of God’s eternal counsel, where He will make known to you His
prophetic purpose (see Ps. 91:1-16).

Speaking to His disciples, Jesus said: “‘I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly'”(John 10:10, NKJV).

that devalues a woman’s worth impairs her soul. Unlike true, godly
authority, which is protective, empowering and liberating, abusive
authority is exploitative, manipulative and destructive.

What you accept is up to you. But negative consequences are not expressions of the God kind of life.

your mind to think God’s thoughts and speak His words. Negative thought
patterns are the power base of demonic strongholds. Behind every
stronghold is demonic oppression and corrupt thinking habits.

change is possible. With practice, bad habits can give way to good
ones. Paul wrote: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed
by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and
acceptable and perfect will of God” (Rom. 12:2).

means to change in form, appearance or structure; to change in
condition, nature or character. The conversion experience is the
beginning of learning to discern God’s will over and against any
opposing or imposing mind-set. This renovation takes place at the very
center of our being.

Luke wrote: “By your patience possess your souls” (Luke 21:19).
Make excellence your standard and take responsibility for the
development of your soul in line with who God says you are. Seek the
Lord. Cooperate with Him and train yourself to act on the truth of His

application of the reality of redemption is part of the healing, the
restoration, the growth process itself. Redemption reverses our
alienation and isolation from God.

When we are active in our own
spiritual growth, it increases our confidence level. We can take
ownership of our spiritual lives and responsibility for our
relationships with God. The reward for our growth is first the joy of
obedience. When we know we are pleasing God and that our lives are in
sync with Him, we can anticipate the release of great potential.

have to be willing to radically obey God and leave the outcome to Him.
In the Scriptures, Queen Esther remained teachable and respectful to her
uncle Mordecai.

She was courageous in the face of fear and
destruction, and driven to action by love for her people and a passion
for their freedom. Through Esther’s radical decision to go before the
king, with the support of a national fast, the people of God were
preserved and brought to the revelation and completion of their purpose
(see Esth. 4:15-16).

Esther, we must be sober and alert. We also have the capacity to
supernaturally bring forth the fruit of change in our own lives and in
the lives of others.

Know that you are in a battle for your soul.
But you are in God’s hands, and the battle is His. The Word of God
tells us He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness
through the knowledge of Him (see 2 Pet. 1:3).

time for redeemed women to confront the challenges of the human
condition. We make no apologies for our femininity because we are His
workmanship (see Eph. 2:10).
We make no excuses because we have His Word and His Spirit. Restoration
is God’s desire for everyone. Because of His sufficient grace, not one
of us is damaged beyond repair.

Beverly “Bam” Crawford
is the pastor and founder of Beverly “Bam” Crawford Ministries and
Bible Enrichment Fellowship International Church in Los Angeles. She is
the author of
The Power of the Soul and Restoration of the Damaged Soul,
from which portions of this article were adapted.

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