The fear of the Lord drives out all other fears. Psychology teaches us that there are five basic fears: they include the fear of abandonment, loss of identity, loss of meaning, loss of purpose and fear of death. But what you won’t find listed among those basic fears is the fear of the Lord. Yet, this one fear is the key to obliterating every other kind of fear.
You will find the term “the fear of God” mentioned 84 times in Scripture. You will see “fear of God” mentioned 86 times, “fear the Lord” 186 times and “fear God” 134 times: that totals 490 times. We cannot escape the importance of understanding what it is and what it means for our lives.
When you don’t know Him, the fear of the Lord can drive you to Him. When you know the Lord, fearing Him empowers you. If we understand that God always was, was before all, is above all, knows all, created all and has power over all, we can lay hold of what is available to us as His children. His greatness causes a righteous fear that brings wisdom. He is the King of Kings. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess His lordship. His name causes nations to tremble. Our God is to be feared but if you’ve made Him your Father, well, that changes everything.
In Jeremiah 1:5, we learn that God called us and ordained us before we were ever born. He told us He’s planned our prosperous, hope-filled future in Jeremiah 29:11. There is no need to fear loss of meaning or purpose. As we walk in obedience to His instructions, we will find our callings to which He has already equipped us, filling our hearts with contentment and satisfaction.
Our new birth in Christ means we now identify as belonging to Jesus. Our old man, with his sinful and fearful nature, dies. We are raised to a new life free from all guilt and we begin as brand-new creatures in Christ’s sinless, resurrected life. We now carry the image of our Father. We aren’t bound to yesterday or the natural bloodline of man with his sin, sicknesses and disease because He bore our griefs and sickness. By His stripes, we are healed. No longer are we orphans in spirit. We don’t feel cut off from our Creator and now live a life that conquers death and no longer fears it. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16, NIV).
We now know who we are and whose we are. Our all-powerful God is for us and not against us. He loves and protects us. He wages war on His enemies and brings us victory. You can find freedom in the fear of the Lord.
To hear more, listen to Part 1 and Part 2 on the “Fear of the Lord” with special guest Judy Mercer. {eoa}
Jaime Luce is an author, blogger, podcaster, speaker and monthly contributor to Charisma Magazine. She attended The Kings University in Southlake, Texas for biblical and theological studies. Her constant endeavor in every mode of communication is to encourage and strengthen the body of Christ through the power of God’s Word. Her website is and you can reach her by email at