Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Why I Am Expecting Great Things in 2014

man worshipping
How can “something” come from “nothing”? That is the question our atheist and agnostic friends must answer. They agree with us that “something” exists. And when they seek to explain the origin of the universe, they always start with “something,” usually the various forms of matter and energy necessary to provide the explosive power for the Big Bang. But where did that original matter and energy come from?
The noted Christian philosopher, the late Frances Schaeffer, use to challenge his atheist opponents to explain how “something” could come from what he called “nothing, nothing.” To illustrate what he meant by “nothing, nothing” he would draw a circle on the chalk board and say that it represented “nothing.” He would then erase the circle and say, “This is ‘nothing, nothing.’” He said that no atheist or naturalist had been able to explain to him how “something” could come from “nothing, nothing.”
The Big Bang theory, that is very popular today in the scientific community and with popular culture, begins with “something.” We are told that at some point many billions of years ago all the matter and energy of space was contained at one small and single point. But where did this matter and energy come from? For a reason that no one can explain, we are told that this already existing matter and energy began to suddenly and rapidly expand into our universe, i.e., the Big Bang. But as one scientist was honest enough to admit, “What existed prior to this event is completely unknown and is a matter of pure speculation.”
So where did the “something”—the matter and energy—that are the basic building blocks of the universe come from? Genesis 1:1 says, In the beginning God . . .. The Christian view is that God created the heavens and the earth ex nihilo, which is Latin meaning “out of nothing.” Only God has such creative power. Only God is infinite and eternal while the physical universe is temporal and contingent. The Bible teaches that the universe, not only had a beginning from nothing, but that it is also continually dependent on God’s sustaining power for its ongoing existence.
This wonderful Creator God has made Himself known to us in the person of Jesus Christ. He is our personal God. So in the coming New Year let’s TRUST Him, as never before, for our every need, aspiration and desire.
Let’s remember that our God is a creator and can make “something” out of “nothing.” He can take a “nobody” and make them into a “somebody.” He can turn darkness into light and curses into blessings. I pray that by the end of 2014 there will be something good in your life that today does not exist, because our God can still make “something” out of “nothing.” Our God is the Almighty Creator and that is why I am expecting great things in 2014!

Eddie L. Hyatt is a board member of God’s Word to Women, an organization that is lifting the status of women around the world by teaching them their equal standing and status in Jesus Christ. His website is The website for God’s Word to Women is and

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