Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

Stop Waiting for the Storm to Start to Establish Your Spiritual Roots

The spring in Oklahoma is a season of beauty and terror. Everything is turning green, blooming and coming alive, but there is also an ominous threat looming in the air itself. When the wind shifts to the south, tornadoes are not far away.

There are different types of people when it comes to the danger of a tornado:

  • Those who fearfully take cover.
  • Those who go outside to watch in curiosity.
  • Those who continue on with their day, not worried about what the weatherman has to say.

These attitudes directly relate to our faith. When a problem arises in your life, what kind of person are you? Do you immediately step into fear and worry about what will happen? Or do you pray and believe God will provide for and take care of you like His Word says?

Often when the winds of our lives change and we are getting ready to transition into something new, we receive a word from the Lord. In these seasons, our opportunistic enemy will come not with a slight breeze but with a strong, sweeping force of opposition to try and intercept the word and destroy us at the same time. Unless you are “rooted and grounded” (Eph. 3:17b) in faith and the love of God, you are likely to be shaken.

These roots must be established long before the winds come. A tree has no last-minute defense against a tornado; likewise, our greatest chance of withstanding the enemy’s attacks is walking every day in faithful, intimate relationship with God and the life-saving power of His Holy Spirit. We must not wait for the signs of opposition to gather our spiritual sword and armor. Like Nehemiah and his builder-soldiers, we must set ourselves about our daily service with our swords on our backs, ready to defend ourselves against the enemy at all times.

Jesus’ disciples learned this lesson the hard way. In Mark 4, Jesus beckoned His disciples to cross “to the other side” of the sea by boat (v. 35). They were no doubt expecting a peaceful sunset voyage, but suddenly, the Scriptures say, “a great wind storm arose (v. 37), and their boat was nearly swept under. Meanwhile, Jesus remained asleep on a cushion at the front of the boat. The men, frightened and confused, woke Jesus up, asking, “Do you not care that we are perishing?” (v. 38). He got up, rebuked the wind, and then turned to His disciples, asking, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?” (v. 40).

The disciples didn’t receive His rebuke because they called out to Him, but because they called out to Him in fear. Even then, He answered their cry and saved them. He will always answer you because you are His child. He will always show you a better way, because He is your loving Father.

When you find yourself battered by winds of change and opposition, cry out to Jesus not in fear but in faith and identify your storm. God has the supernatural provision to overcome every demonic wind of opposition, and He is in heaven now working situations out on your behalf (Rom. 8:28). All you have to do is put your trust in Him.

You’re beautiful. I see Jesus in you!

Have an awesome week. {eoa}

Mikel French has challenged spiritual awakening all across America, where many celebrations extended into multiple weeks, and has conducted celebrations in France, Sweden, Russia, Romania, Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, Serbia, Germany, South Africa, Malawi, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Haiti, Japan, Singapore, India and Thailand. He conducted an outreach celebration in Manila, Philippines, reaching 200,000 teenagers with the Book of Hope. Through the generous support of partners, he has presented the message of Jesus Christ to millions of people in the nation of Russia through televised citywide soul-winning celebrations. Mikel considers it an honor to assist in conducting the annual pastor’s conference, where thousands of pastors from Russia’s 11 time zones come for training, teaching and equipping. Mikel and his wife, Marsha, reside in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

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