Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

Return to Faith: Unleash the Victory That Overcomes the World

In the middle of the 19th century, Danish theologian Soren Kierkegaard wrote, “Christendom has done away with Christianity without quite being aware of it.” He avidly opposed the prevailing philosophy of his day, which attempted to create a synthesis between logic and faith. He contended that faith was absurd; it could never make rational sense to the finite mind, and that any attempt to make this radical way of life palatable to the mainstream would compromise the true essence of our faith.

Kierkegaard was right. Not surprisingly, he was eschewed by his religious elite contemporaries, and although his writings would go on to influence many and be regarded as ahead of their time, he died penniless and alone, an outcast of the systematized religious tradition of his day.

As I observe the cultural Christianity of our day, I wonder if I would put it any differently than Kierkegaard. Indeed, it seems that true faith—faith-working-through-love faith—is hard to come by. Looking at many sectors of the organized church that are apostate, one can see no power, no authority, no effectiveness. In fact, they don’t claim to have those things or profess to even want to. Sadly, Kierkegaard’s words seem to be as accurate today as they were two centuries ago.

The truth is God was—in the early church and now more than ever—looking for the manifestation of His overcoming church to expand the kingdom and usher in the coming reign of our Lord. But the only way He’s going to do it is through a people of faith.

Religion is neat. It is based on what we can see and, therefore, is easy to trust. Faith, on the other hand, is messy. It is based on what we can’t see (e.g. God). It is for those who know they’re not ok and have no intention of ever trying to be. If you think your victory lies in having it all together and coming out on top, allow me to give you some advice I learned from my own journey …

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