Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

Are You the Passionate and Radiant Eternal Partner of the Bridegroom-King?

The Passion Translation author, Dr. Brian Simmons, shares powerful insights on a recent episode of Live Your Best Life with Liz Wright on the Charisma Podcast Network. Brian speaks on the hidden and lost revelations about Jesus and His bride in the Song of Songs. He shares how God’s heart for His bride is profoundly revealed in this precious book tucked away in the middle of our Bible.

Brian shares the encounter He had with Jesus years ago, where he was commissioned to translate the Scriptures. Jesus breathed on him and instilled in him a holy passion to take the ancient languages of the Word which are no longer spoken and make them a dynamic language of the heart again, all through partnership with the Holy Spirit.

He explains that the early church fathers didn’t see the Song of Songs as erotica but as an allegory that revealed the love story between Jesus and His bride. It was taught and cherished in this way by the early church, and it is time for this lens to come center stage again. As we sensitize to this revelation of Jesus as our Bridegroom-King, we will perceive the passionate longing of Jesus for us all throughout Scripture.

Through His precious blood, we are purified and made ready as His bride! We are invited to become His eternal counterpart, in union with the Trinity. Come back to the feet of Jesus and let your obsession with Him drown out the noise and narrative of this world. He longs for your affections and for the truth of His passionate love to be deeply embedded into you; His lookalike partner, His bride, His equal. Understand the pure gospel, where He reveals to you that He came into our world, and now He invites us to come into His.{eoa}

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