Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

3 Undebatable Desires God Has for You


Did you know that a junkyard can reveal a lot about God’s will? Hear me out.

Just imagine for a minute that you’re looking at piles of wrecked, dilapidated vehicles. It would be unthinkable to ask why the manufacturers created these vehicles in this way. It’s obvious that they didn’t. But rather, the condition of these vehicles are likely the result of something tragic that happened—not what their makers had in mind.

To see what the manufactures had planned for their vehicles, you have to look back to moments just after their assemblies. And it’s the same for determining God’s ultimate will for His creation. To get an idea about what God desires for you and me, all we have to do is look at what the Bible describes that Adam and Eve had in the Garden of Eden before creation was wrecked by sin. Let’s explore a few of these desires.

God’s Will for His People

First, Adam and Eve enjoyed righteousness and close relationship with God. The first couple lived in intimate fellowship with God. There was nothing in the way. In fact, the Bible actually suggests that they got to walk and talk with Him (Gen. 3:8).

Second, they had pure, sound minds. Before sin, the first couple only had knowledge of good, godly ways. There were no evil thoughts, no paranoia and no accusations of guilt or shame.

And third, they enjoyed divine health. The Bible is clear that sickness and death came because of sin (Rom. 5:12). But before sin, Adam and Eve enjoyed a life with no cancer, no pain and not even a stuffy nose.

The Plan to Restore God’s Desires

Obviously, each one of these original intentions were quickly swindled by Satan. But God was never satisfied to leave it this way. No, the Bible declares that the plan for Jesus was to come to destroy the works of the devil and to restore things back to the way they were before sin (1 John 3:8). And that’s exactly what Jesus did. With His victory on the cross, Jesus restored our righteousness so that we who are in Him have anytime access into God’s presence. Because we now have God’s Word, we’re able to cast down evil and negative thoughts and replace them with the knowledge of Christ. In fact, the Bible assures that we have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16)! And finally, Peter confirmed what Isaiah long before prophesied—that by the wounds of Jesus, we have been healed—spiritually, emotionally and physically (Is. 53:5; 1 Pet. 2:24).

Certainly, there are more than three original intentions that I could share. But these are three big ones that you and I should contend for. Don’t let anyone talk you out of them. God’s perfect, undeniable will for you is to experience a life free from the works of the devil. This includes righteousness and relationship with God, a healthy mind and a healthy body. {eoa}

Kyle Winkler equips people to live in victory. His mobile app, Shut Up, Devil!, is the No. 1 spiritual warfare app; and his recent book, Silence Satan, has helped thousands shut down the enemy’s attacks, threats, lies and accusations. Kyle holds a Master of Divinity in biblical studies from Regent University. Get daily encouragement from Kyle on Facebook and Twitter.

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