Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Walking in Powerful Prayer Will Loose the Devil’s Hold on You

Through prayer you have the power to make things happen! However, what do you do when you know you are praying in God’s will, but after you have barely begun you already feel like all hell has broken loose against you?

To me, it sounds like you are completely on track! Do not assume that just because the ground you are breaking in the spirit is hard means that you are missing it. Quite the opposite is true!

In this episode of Next Gen Prophets on the Charisma Podcast Network, 5 Steps to Power up Your Prayer Life, I share the secrets to breaking through to victory. In this article, I want to teach you just one principle that will give you hope to keep fighting like a champ in your prayer closet!

Consider how many times Joshua had to circle the walls of Jericho before they fell. Consider the heavy burdens Pharaoh put on the children of Israel when Moses asked for them to be set free. In both circumstances, things got worse before they got better.

In fact, the enemy pretty much threw his toys out the cot. This opposition should not be a sign that you are missing God, but rather that the enemy is feeling a tad uncomfortable with your new-found prayer track.

Make no mistake, next gen prophet: You hold the authority to cast that mountain into the sea through your prayers. So, if you, like Joshua, attack that mountain the first day and don’t see it quake in the least, do not give up. You just started a process.

In fact, that sudden spirit of heaviness and intense opposition should serve as a motivation to you, child of God. Do you really think that the enemy attacks that which has no power to deal damage? Hardly! So recognize these two facts when you begin working in the Spirit.

No. 1 You were just given new ground to break.

You were just commissioned to bring God’s plan to earth. You were handed hard ground that has never been broken up before. Of course it’s tough going! As a prophet, you can expect the Lord to continually bring you back to that same hard, unyielding piece of ground until you make a dent. This is part and parcel of your call!

No. 2 No, the devil is not impressed!

The ground is hard because the enemy has been lording over it. No, he does not want to see revival. No, he does not want to see that financial breakthrough. He is quite happy to have dominion over the land God has given to His people. That is why you find your face up against the walls of Jericho.

Hint: You will see the greatest breakthroughs after the prayer times where it was so heavy that you felt you accomplished absolutely nothing in the spirit.

Keep walking, prophet! No matter what jeers are thrown your way, and no matter how heavy it feels—just keep walking! Just a few more hikes around the walls and a time of praise is coming as you watch those walls come tumbling down.

For more on how you can loose the devil’s chains through your powerful prayer, listen to Next Gen Prophets on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

Apostle Colette Toach is originally from South Africa. With ministry divisions in South Africa, Mexico, Switzerland and California, Apostle Colette Toach is foremost a wife and spiritual mother. She is a renowned leader among the prophets and so established a prophetic training school that has been in place since 1999. Apostle Colette and her husband, Apostle Craig Toach, work tirelessly with their fivefold ministry team to raise up leaders across the globe.

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